Coronavirus 2020 - What can I do?

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Re: Coronavirus 2020 - What can I do?

Post by Shan »

Governments have cases to answer for both not taking decisive early action and not having sufficient resources in place. However the public also need to answer for their own actions which have potential impacts on tackling this thing.
More than 100 coronavirus-related fines have been issued in three days in Northern Ireland, police said.

Officers broke up barbecues and a small number of large house parties, assistant chief constable Alan Todd said.

Some parents were also believed to have left their children to play at friends' houses.

Mr Todd said: "We engage with people, it is only when people won't take the encouragement we end up having to enforce the matter."

A total of 107 fines were imposed in three days over the Easter period.

House parties involved some dozen or more people, although some were bigger, Mr Todd said.

Down here you had a number of folk who decided to head off to their holiday homes and the response of some of the locals in one of the those locations in County Clare was to send out the below in a leaflet. :D
Holiday home owners: Stay at home does not mean your holiday pad. We would like you to return to your home. Do the right thing, F**k off out of Kilkee NOW! If you do not leave, when the crisis is over, you may not have a holiday home to return to this summer.
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Re: Coronavirus 2020 - What can I do?

Post by Jackie Brown »

It's ok for BJ and Prince Charles to go to their holiday homes though...
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Re: Coronavirus 2020 - What can I do?

Post by rumncoke »

BJ -- couldn't go back into No 10 which is where the Cabinet meet and where senior Civil Servants have their offices and work -- basic all BJ has at no10 is a one story apartment the rest is used by the Government.

and Royals were told to scatter and not to mingle together as is their style when not opening this or that or whatever , the Crown being the bedrock providing stablility to the British Constitution, Prime Ministers come Prime Ministers go
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Re: Coronavirus 2020 - What can I do?

Post by Shan »

Spot on JB. Totally unacceptable that different rules should apply for different folk. Leadership is important at these times. The lack of this is or should be a concern for UK citizens now more than ever.
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Re: Coronavirus 2020 - What can I do?

Post by Jackie Brown »

rumncoke wrote: Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:10 pm BJ -- couldn't go back into No 10 which is where the Cabinet meet and where senior Civil Servants have their offices and work -- basic all BJ has at no10 is a one story apartment the rest is used by the Government.

and Royals were told to scatter and not to mingle together as is their style when not opening this or that or whatever , the Crown being the bedrock providing stablility to the British Constitution, Prime Ministers come Prime Ministers go
This is more of your usual nonsense.

He is now testing negative for the virus. No reason he couldn't go back to his small apartment, like the rest of the population of London.

Where is Charles' primary residence?

The virus running rampant through that clan would be a good thing anyway.
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Re: Coronavirus 2020 - What can I do?

Post by big mervyn »

Jackie Brown wrote: Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:40 pm
rumncoke wrote: Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:10 pm BJ -- couldn't go back into No 10 which is where the Cabinet meet and where senior Civil Servants have their offices and work -- basic all BJ has at no10 is a one story apartment the rest is used by the Government.

and Royals were told to scatter and not to mingle together as is their style when not opening this or that or whatever , the Crown being the bedrock providing stablility to the British Constitution, Prime Ministers come Prime Ministers go
This is more of your usual nonsense.

He is now testing negative for the virus. No reason he couldn't go back to his small apartment, like the rest of the population of London.

Where is Charles' primary residence?

The virus running rampant through that clan would be a good thing anyway.
Highgrove I believe.

Nor sure about them "mingling" in Lahndahn. They collectively own several enormous houses and seem to communicate mostly by letter. Buggering off to Scotland with an infected entourage was definitely out of order.
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Re: Coronavirus 2020 - What can I do?

Post by Tender »

rumncoke wrote: Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:47 pm So the Spanish and Italians have Monetarist policies

Explain how testing reduces a death rate ? It may reduce spread but then the major means of reducing spread is to reduce social contact .

no i would conclude the lower death rate is due possibly to the better provision of ventilators and possibly the lack of post mortems then they could of course attribute death to different causes instead of covid 19-- respiratory failure -- heart failure or an multiple reasons other than covid 19 . eg many years ago my mother died of pneumonia which was a result of having cancer thus those who had an existing aliment before acquiring covid 19 maybe recorded as dying from the existing ailment rather than covid 19.

All that glitters is not gold.

Every Government is to some extent is massaging it's figures for a variety of reasons.
This isn’t massaging, this deliberately lying to make their decisions seem slightly less horrifically stupid.

OK So if we take the UK model re ‘Massaging’ (Lies) and apply it to the German CoVid death number of 3000, we could roughly double that to 6000 CoVid Deaths.

The UK has around 20000 deaths which unless you’re Stalin, is a massive difference given both the UK and Germany both fall into the category of Developed Countries.

Germany followed the WHO advise and tested. Boris’s buffoons didn’t and still aren’t testing at anything like the numbers needed. Not only did Germany test, they followed up those tests, identified and tested everyone who’d been in contact with any person who tested positive for CoVid19 and those are then isolated. That slows the spread considerably. As proven .

They also have enough Doctors, Nurses, Hospital Beds, Equipment and supplies of PPE. That stain Hancock tried to explain all that away by spouting garbage about a Germany’s huge pharmaceuticals industry helping with testing, when in fact over 30% of the testing kits were produced in a small independent company and other independents contributed the majority of the rest. Another Government Lie.

My Wife works for the NHS on the front line and up until today, she has been supplied with 17 face masks. Face masks which she is told to change between visiting each client.
A major NHS hospital in Glasgow, was sent boxes much needed PPE, with new expiry date stickers dated November 2020. The stickers had been put on to cover up the original expiry date of 2016.
Because of the lack of ventilators in UK hospitals, triage doctors have to decide who they won’t even attempt to save. If you get a white armband put onto your wrist, it’s likely you won’t need another season ticket for Spanners.

I personally know several front line NHS nurses who don’t have PPE and they are already near breaking point.

Don’t talk shyte about mistakes being made and nobody doing things entirely the right way. The UK Government ignored warnings and advise. They cut the NHS to the bone...fact. They lie to us on a daily basis and yet morons still hang onto their lies and rhetoric because those morons can’t face the simple truth that their Government cares more about lining their own and the pockets of their mates, than they do about the lives of Doctors, Nurses, Teachers and Careworkers. Not to mention the pensioners and the working population who sweat helps build the fat cats wealth.

If you don’t believe testing works, then explain why the UK Government are now busting a gut (too late) to get up to speed on testing?
Do you know more than your Government’s science experts? >flog >seeya
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Re: Coronavirus 2020 - What can I do?

Post by Shan »

Testing sufficiently is absolutely desirable - France has a worse testing rate than the UK and has a considerably higher death rate just using official figures while Germany has 3x the testing rate and less than 1/4 the death rate of the UK. Netherlands took a similar initial approach to the UK, now has a slightly higher testing rate and almost identical death rate.

However then you have Switzerland - They have over 4x the testing rate of the UK but just under 80% the death rate. So testing has not worked for them. There may be other factors at play and I don't have knowledge about the internal policies or actions in Switzerland but it seems strange that a country which scores highly in the health section of the HDI Index (83.6 years life expectancy / 12.2% health spending to GDP) v's UK (81.2 / 9.8%) is not scoring better in the death rate.

I think a lot of questions will be asked whenever we get to the end of this in a lot of countries. The initial ramp and overall rate of testing is just one of them. Overall most western European countries have questions to answer. One can only wonder if the early advice was really being given by the chief medical officers or if they were being directed to give that advice by the recipients of that advice. Either way it leaves a lot to be desired. I would say the same for Ireland. Even though the response was quicker and more decisive which has probably been a factor in a death rate approx 50% that of the UK it was still too slow.
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Re: Coronavirus 2020 - What can I do?

Post by Tender »

Howl on thur Sadie....what’s that I hear?
This wonderfully caring UK Government is still scrambling for the extra 10000 ventilators they need before estimated peak of infection at the end of April!

What’s today’s date?

Oh here Missus... sure Germany has so FECKIN many ventilators in their hospitals, THE GERMAN ARMY are lending sixty ventilators to the UK!!!

If you weren’t already proud to be British, the country which started and profited from the Opium trade, invented Concentration Camps, helped a fascist dictator gain and hold onto power in Spain, murdered hundreds of thousands of Aboriginal people, raped Indian and don’t get me started on their record in Ireland. Surely it’s a proud day when we realise our caring UK Government is passing the begging bowl around the World in a desperate scramble to redress the shortages which their own inaction and pocket lining policies caused.
We must be due a Trump type apologist video any day now, but heh..if you find it easier to believe the Government lies about PPE, Testing, Ventilators, the number of Doctors and nurses, if you can’t face the terrible truth then just wrap your good self up in the comfort of Countryfile, Eastenders and Hancock’s happy hour and pretend it’s all OK.
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Re: Coronavirus 2020 - What can I do?

Post by Tender »

Howl on thur Sadie....what’s that I hear?
This wonderfully caring UK Government is still scrambling for the extra 10000 ventilators they need before estimated peak of infection at the end of April!

What’s today’s date?

Oh here Missus... sure Germany has so FECKIN many ventilators in their hospitals, THE GERMAN ARMY are lending sixty ventilators to the UK!!!

If you weren’t already proud to be British, the country which started and profited from the Opium trade, invented Concentration Camps, helped a fascist dictator gain and hold onto power in Spain, murdered hundreds of thousands of Aboriginal people, raped Indian and don’t get me started on their record in Ireland. Surely it’s a proud day when we realise our caring UK Government is passing the begging bowl around the World in a desperate scramble to redress the shortages which their own inaction and pocket lining policies caused.
We must be due a Trump type apologist video any day now, but heh..if you find it easier to believe the Government lies about PPE, Testing, Ventilators, the number of Doctors and nurses, if you can’t face the terrible truth then just wrap your good self up in the comfort of Countryfile, Eastenders and Hancock’s happy hour and pretend it’s all OK.
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Re: Coronavirus 2020 - What can I do?

Post by Shan »

So good it was worth posting twice. Baggy like but with more sanity. I'm sure Rum will be along to tell you everything is OK because Her Maj is still cloaking all her subjects in her royal protective blanket. :D
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Re: Coronavirus 2020 - What can I do?

Post by Shan »

An Irish man has been questioned by gardaí as part of an international investigation into what is described as a sophisticated €15m Covid-19 scam.

The investigation was launched when German health authorities made an upfront payment online of €1.5m for face masks, only to discover the website advertising the personal protective equipment (PPE) was being operated by scammers.

The worldwide shortage of PPE has led to an increased demand online for the items - and increased opportunities for scammers.

One of the largest scams uncovered to date is being investigated by Interpol and the Garda National Economic Crime Bureau here. The case involves a €14.7m fraud in the supply of anti-virus face masks.

The scam was uncovered when German health authorities tried to purchase face masks online from a website which appeared to be linked to a legitimate company in Spain. Unbeknownst to the buyers, the site had been cloned by scammers.
Some people are shameless.
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Re: Coronavirus 2020 - What can I do?

Post by Shan »

Talking about shameless -
US President Donald Trump has defended his response to the Covid-19 outbreak, and said he did not intend to fire his administration's leading expert on the subject, who had said earlier mitigation efforts could have saved more lives.

At a press conference last night, Mr Trump defended his response to the crisis, and attacked the media for its coverage of his handling of it.

He clashed with reporters and played a campaign-style video at the press conference promoting his response to the coronavirus.

Mr Trump is also expected to convene a new economic task force today to discuss reopening the US.

Individual governors are currently deciding when to lift restrictions in their states, but last night Mr Trump said that he had total authority as president, and would announce a plan to reopen America in the coming days .

At a contentious briefing with reporters, Mr Trump lashed out at media coverage that has focused on gaps in the US government's response after initial warnings about the pandemic, which has now spread throughout the United States.

The president asserted he had the ultimate authority to re-open the largely shuttered economy despite an earlier deference to US state governors and constitutional questions about whether that decision-making fell within his purview.

"The president of the United States calls the shots. If we weren't here for the states, you'd have had a problem in this country like you've never seen before," Mr Trump said. "When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total, and that's the way it's got to be. ... It's total. The governors know that."

Mr Trump, who said a plan to open businesses again would be completed shortly, interrupted his daily briefing to play a campaign-style video that highlighted his actions to tackle the virus and included clips of Democratic and Republican governors praising his efforts.
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Re: Coronavirus 2020 - What can I do?

Post by rumncoke »


The fact is the USA does not have the benefit of a Welfare State attitude -- if your not working the money dries up and there is basically no means to administer a welfare state to fall back on . most European governments have a welfare State of some description to administer Government aid -- Government aid is a none event in USA --- so there is, if lockdown continues to long, the seed bed of anarchy .

A brave face doesn't really hide a President who could be nearly sh--ing himself because he is in a situation over which he has no control .
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Re: Coronavirus 2020 - What can I do?

Post by Shan »

Rum -

I'm not Trump bashing. I am talking about the U.S and its attitudes. It is quite content to allocate hundreds of billions into arms, and that is the primary reason why U.S Tax Rates have risen over the last century, but cannot or rather will not re-deploy some of that spending into more worthwhile avenues such as social assistance during a crisis of this magnitude which has already claimed close to 25k American lives and which will be likely to head towards 100k soon enough if they refuse to take required action. The means are there or can be there, even temporarily.....It is the will which is lacking.
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