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Re: Irish Unity

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 4:13 pm
by Shan
HwoodMike2umate wrote:If I was offered One Million pounds (or even euros) to vote for a United Ireland I suppose I would have to think long and hard about it and might well vote YES. But I very much doubt that that offer is going to happen so I don't waste much of my time lying in bed at night thinking or worrying about it. I recall being frequently told when I ventured south to study in TCD in 1974 that a United Ireland was just around the corner. Well all I can say is Some Corner.
Ah here Michael - That is only 45 years. If a UI does not happen by the year 2300 we can probably assume it wasn't around the corner. :D

Re: Irish Unity

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 4:24 pm
by big mervyn
Shan wrote:
HwoodMike2umate wrote:If I was offered One Million pounds (or even euros) to vote for a United Ireland I suppose I would have to think long and hard about it and might well vote YES. But I very much doubt that that offer is going to happen so I don't waste much of my time lying in bed at night thinking or worrying about it. I recall being frequently told when I ventured south to study in TCD in 1974 that a United Ireland was just around the corner. Well all I can say is Some Corner.
Ah here Michael - That is only 45 years. If a UI does not happen by the year 2300 we can probably assume it wasn't around the corner. :D
The statelet is set to celebrate it's centenary with a (perceived) Catholic majority. I know they wouldn't all vote UI but it's a long way from a Pradestant state for a Pradestant people in one lifetime.

Re: Irish Unity

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 5:32 pm
by HwoodMike2umate
Campbell 12 Armagh 10 :)

Re: Irish Unity

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 9:28 am
by promenader 2
HwoodMike2umate wrote:If I was offered One Million pounds (or even euros) to vote for a United Ireland I suppose I would have to think long and hard about it and might well vote YES. But I very much doubt that that offer is going to happen so I don't waste much of my time lying in bed at night thinking or worrying about it. I recall being frequently told when I ventured south to study in TCD in 1974 that a United Ireland was just around the corner. Well all I can say is Some Corner.
Obviously the corner you were expecting, Mike, was a sharp, 90 degree turn. In reality, the corner has always been more of a long, slow bend. 1974 was the year unionists collapsed the Sunningdale Agreement, was it not? Big strikes, Paisley thundering on against power sharing and Councils of Ireland and so forth. Here we are today, with the DUP complaining that Sinn Fein - yes, the former provos - won't play nice and go back to operating a power sharing government. That's the same power sharing government that comes complete with a north-south Ministerial council.

Where do you think we'll be in another 40 years? >EW

Re: Irish Unity

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 10:25 am
by Rooster
HwoodMike2umate wrote:If I was offered One Million pounds (or even euros) to vote for a United Ireland I suppose I would have to think long and hard about it and might well vote YES. But I very much doubt that that offer is going to happen so I don't waste much of my time lying in bed at night thinking or worrying about it. I recall being frequently told when I ventured south to study in TCD in 1974 that a United Ireland was just around the corner. Well all I can say is Some Corner.
If I was offered a million euro it wouldn't take a lot of thought before I would vote yes.

Re: Irish Unity

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 10:49 am
by UlsterNo9
Yes, a million euro each and I think we would all feck aff back to Scotland!

Would also buy some pad with panoramic sea views on the Devon or Cornwall coast if you were that way inclined.

It would take much less for me to vote for unity..... a simple indication that I'd be financially better off or the childer and the childers childer would be.

On a separate note. HWM what were you doing at Trinity?

Re: Irish Unity

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:41 am
by promenader 2
UlsterNo9 wrote:Yes, a million euro each and I think we would all feck aff back to Scotland!

Would also buy some pad with panoramic sea views on the Devon or Cornwall coast if you were that way inclined.

It would take much less for me to vote for unity..... a simple indication that I'd be financially better off or the childer and the childers childer would be.

On a separate note. HWM what were you doing at Trinity?
Why wouldn't we all be better off financially? There would be an initial period that would require some thought, as the economies of both parts of this island were realigned and more closely integrated, but that could be managed. The EU would chip in since, as they keep telling us, the EU is a peace project as much as an economic arrangement. The UK would be happy enough to continue making payments for a few years to bed things down. After that, why wouldn't we do well as part of an all island economy? The republic seems to be doing okay and, let's face it, we haven't exactly been coining it as part of the union.

Re: Irish Unity

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 3:26 pm
by big mervyn
It's not so much that I feel more Irish (nationalism is a crock of shyte anyway). More that I feel increasingly less British.

Re: Irish Unity

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 4:05 pm
by Shan
big mervyn wrote:It's not so much that I feel more Irish (nationalism is a crock of shyte anyway). More that I feel increasingly less British.
A few wee flegs around the house would resolve that issue. Every morning ya would jump out of bed thanking the, possibly non-existent, big lad that you have a big British heart beating within ya. :D :D

Re: Irish Unity

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:31 pm
by justinr73
The wife is seeking to move me to NI.

I’m open to the idea in principle but as a Lionel with nation specific qualifications it is an issue.

Re: Irish Unity

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:35 pm
by justinr73
justinr73 wrote:The wife is seeking to move me to NI.

I’m open to the idea in principle but as a Lionel with nation specific qualifications it is an issue.

Re: Irish Unity

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 11:28 pm
by Dave
Off topic

Re: Irish Unity

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 11:22 am
by Dublin4
Just reading the opinion poll this morning on the very strong anti Brexit feelings among Northern Ireland voters.
67% against Brexit and hardly anyone seems to want a hard Brexit.

So educate me, how is the DUP so offside on this one? Don't they have any farmers or business people supporting them?
Why have they gone out on such a limb?
All they seem to be achieving is the weakening of the union.

Re: Irish Unity

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 11:45 am
by pwrmoore
Dublin4 wrote:Just reading the opinion poll this morning on the very strong anti Brexit feelings among Northern Ireland voters.
67% against Brexit and hardly anyone seems to want a hard Brexit.

So educate me, how is the DUP so offside on this one? Don't they have any farmers or business people supporting them?
Why have they gone out on such a limb?
All they seem to be achieving is the weakening of the union.
Best I can come up with is that Sinn Fein supported remain so the DUP have to support Brexit as their automatic position is to be the opposite of SF. >flog >flog >flog

Re: Irish Unity

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 11:49 am
by Cap'n Grumpy
Dublin4 wrote:Just reading the opinion poll this morning on the very strong anti Brexit feelings among Northern Ireland voters.
67% against Brexit and hardly anyone seems to want a hard Brexit.

So educate me, how is the DUP so offside on this one? Don't they have any farmers or business people supporting them?
Why have they gone out on such a limb?
All they seem to be achieving is the weakening of the union.
lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics?

Are they so offside on this one (with their own supporters)?

When you look at the breakdown by "community" there is only just a majority of "Protestants" wanting to stay in the EU. Given that all "Protestants" are not DUP supporters, it could be argued that they are still very much in tune with their own supporters.

I note they don't tell you the question asked (at least not in the reports I read online - maybe those reading in the IT app might have got it).

The telling questions and results for me are with most people unhappy with how both DUP and SF represent NI in Westminster. DUP representation as it stands, and SF through their NON-representation at Westminster.

Unless they publish the actual question(s) asked and the results for those questions, I would take the poll with a massive pinch of salt. It appears from what they have published that they have extrapolated a their main claims from the responses to other questions. Now if they publish the actual questions rather than quoting percentages of what they claim was polled that is another kettle of golf balls.