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Wellington V Lions

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 12:02 pm
by Guest ... 084628.stm

Team for Wednesday.
Need to play a hell of aclot beetr than yesterday's shambles to get the tour back on track

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 12:05 pm
by Freddie Benson
that was me
hadn't activated my membership :oops:

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 1:45 pm
by cjp
People say this is the test team, if it is we are screwed. The back line I could settle for but would rather have Shanklin at 12, Lewsey 14 and Murphy 15.

The back 5 in the pack all shouldn't be in the test team, on form it should be the two munster men in the engine room, with Hill at 6, Williams 7 and god knows who at 8. The front row could be the test 3, as for the bench I could settle for all them on the bench bar O'Connell, might put Shaw there he did alright yesterday.

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:13 pm
by Guest
Doubt very much if that is the test team.

Colin :twisted:

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:41 pm
by cyril
Freddie Benson wrote:sorry
that was me
hadn't activated my membership :oops:
and me too :oops:

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 10:55 am
by Freddie Benson
Better.....but not brilliant.
Lions should have won this game by 30+ points given their domination of territory and possession, particularly in the first half.

Plus points
- front row, front five, pack basically. Much more like it - against a weak Wellington unit it must be said. Jenkins was everywhere in the tight and the loose. Byrne missed a couple of throws in the second half but was much better than Thompson - and the conditions wouldn't have helped him. Scrum was dominant and the forwards were hitting the rucks, unlike in previous games.

- BO'D had his best game so far (not too difficult I hear you cry) and was also more active in decision making and with the referee.

- Lewsey and Thomas also had strong games.

Minus points
- far too many handling errors and lack of precision, particularly in the 22 meant several golden scoring chances were butchered. ABs will not be so forgiving.

- Peel did not live up to his high standards. Some of his passing was shocking and not conducive to getting the backs going. Still Test SH but Cusiter is pushing him hard.

- Lord Jonny of Wilkinson. Couple of missed kicks which you would expect him to get. Targeted by the Wellington back row and midfield runners who made some ground through his channel (although about 3 miles less than through RO'G). ANd some poor options in attack.

- at times Lions didn't seem to know what they were doing in attack. Problem is far too many players on tour not having enough game time together.

- Henson was again distinctly ordinary. Does anybody want to partner BO'D in the centre?

After this my Test side is revised/narrowed slightly



Sad to say it but Back has to play if the Lions are going to win.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 1:04 pm
by colinh
Still does not fill me with confidence. First half showed a bit more bite but I believe the second was a litany of unforced errors, half chances and a few moments of individual skill.

Colin :twisted:

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 3:16 pm
by Jackie Brown
Yeah the guys who have played their way into the test team,

Byrne showed what Thompson was lacking. I hope they put Thompson in a rowing boat and push him off into the pacific.
Peel and Cusiter both played well, they'll both be on the 22.
Jenkins, played a cracker, well taken try, best loosehead on tour.
Back, hate to say it, but he was fired up and made a big difference at the breakdown.
Easterby, had a typical Easterby game, great grafter.
O'Driscoll, will start anyway, i feel his game is strangled by Hensons style of play.

The team as i see it.
15. Lewsey (hasn't shone since first (easiest) match, one of Sir Clive's Favourites, obvious he will start at fullback, i don't rate him, Murphy is the far better footballer.)
14. Thomas
13. O'Driscoll
12. Henson (hasn't shone since a match against England back in the winter. He won't pass, he runs sideways, he doesn't look to see who he is passing too. Please SCW, don't play him, prefer Shanklin or D'Arcy.)
11. Shanklin
10. Jones (Wilkinson has no form, hasn't played since World Cup, SCW would be mad to start him.)
9. Peel (Cusiter pushing hard but i feel Peel has done enough to start the first test.)

1. Jenkins
2. Byrne (the less said about Thompson the better)
3. White
4. O'Connell
5. Kay
6. Hill
7. Back
8. Corry

16. Stevens
17. Thompson (if he doesn't start he'll be on the bench, one of SCW love children)
18. DOC/Grewcock
19. Easterby
20. Cusiter
21. Wilkinson
22. Robinson (both Robinson and Wilkinson will be there for past glories.)

Already put this on the old URSC board. If anyone is getting De ja v (or however u spell it)

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 3:17 pm
by Jackie Brown
I would be wary of having Grewcock on the pitch. His temperment is questionable, could do more harm than good.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 7:50 pm
by cjp
O'Callaghan should be ahead of both those englishmen, Corry shouldn't be near the team he is too slow. I think today showed there are more places up for grabs than are sorted.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 10:55 pm
by Freddie Benson
Grewcock has had more about him so far this tour than Kay - who's still living off RWC. DO'C hasn't done much wrong so far - has to be worth the bench at least.
Both are prone to let the red mist descend.

'shoe-ins' according to Fitzpatrick, Morris and Quinnell (who they all agree on)





They were leaning very strongly towards Easterby and Thomas.
Good a game as Easterbunny had today, Hill has the experience and is a class above him.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:10 pm
by fermain
Could an Ulster first team take on these guys??

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:14 pm
by pwrmoore
I reckon they's have no problem against the ten named fermain - might be a different story against the full 15 though :twisted: :lol: