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Southland 16-26 Lions

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 10:06 am
by jamesie
again disappointing... only caught the first half and rest on bbc website.

2 tries from the wünderkind henson. i imagine that that would be enough for a frenzied media campaign to get him a test spot, despite an indifferent performance generally :roll:

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 10:38 am
by Freddie Benson

completely clueless. The Lions have been together for 4 weeks and that's the best they can come up with??

I hope to hell that 'they are keeping something back' and 'are not showing their hand' (add whatever cliche you like) prior to the Test matches 'coz otherwise they're going to get humped.

Certainly was Henson's best game so far - not saying much. In the Sky studio at half-time, they were commenting thatmaybe Henson would be taken off and it would be a Woodward masterstroke and that he would actually be in the Test side. Bollo to that.

DO'C again put himself about. Replacements were the most impressive - Shanklin (again), Cusiter (again), Sheridan (again), Easterby (again). Why Shanklin didn't have a run in the centre with BO'D is beyond me. Cusiter has been the form SH on tour (Peel below his 6N level) - how he's behind that donkey Dawson is a mystery.

SCW is certainly not selecting on form (as he stated he would) but then he never has kept to the bs he's spouted in the past. Why he needs Alistair CAmpbell is another strange one - SCW is more than capable of spinning all by himself.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:00 pm
by Jackie Brown
I'm getting thoroughly drunk off with the whole thing. Henson this and Henson that. Ohh he's amazing, how can he be left out. SHUT UP, Sky commentators were their usual crap selves, god they talk a lot of nonsense. But this glorifying Henson as being such a wonderkid is really really starting to pish me off. He scored two trys against a team of Celtic League standard. 'Ohh i'm just sooo dissapointed, i just couldn't sleep' is what Henson said. I feel more for the Sheridans and Shanklins who should be there ahead of Greenwood and Rowntree. It sickens me if its not Wilkinson its Henson, the media disgusts me, its not a Henson show, its not a Wilkinson show, its the Lions. Henson has been rubbish on tour so far, fact, he had at least three shoulder charges today, lucky he only got pinged for one.

Sir Clive is the manager, like it or not, he has picked his team, like it or not, being a wee welsh cry baby over it isn't gonna change it. If he doesn't get a chance in the 2nd test he's really gonna throw his toys outta the pram.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:36 pm
by old_school
HERE HERE Jackie :!: Well said Henson is so unconsistant during his games and people are being blinded by commentators who need to go to specsavers to see what the rest of us see

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:42 pm
by cjp
Henson didn't play that well today he was lucky to only be penalised once for his consistency to just charge people instead of tackling. DO'C was very good as were Easterby, Cusiter, Shanklin. Thought Murphy was solid. Shanklin showed how good he is in the centre picking some brilliant lines and never being hit back, always over the advantage line. Interesting Horgan and Williams there, SCW continues mind games and we could see it come the selection tomorrow but to be honest I don't think it will matter as I predict the AB's by 20 on saturday.

Anyone else heard about DO'C and Alistair Campbell?

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:46 pm
by pwrmoore
no -what about DOC and Alistair Campbell?

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:51 pm
by cjp
Basically Campbell was telling the players what to do with the media etc and being a bit of a pr!ck, and in the middle of the team meeting O'Callaghan stood up and went we are hear to play rugby not for television companies, add a few expletives. Apparently Campbell imediately left the room very embarrased. It seems DO'C is the life and sole of the party off the pitch is looking like a real leader.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 1:34 pm
by pwrmoore
:lol: :twisted: 8)

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 2:21 pm
by barney
Anyone else hear the David Hands item on the radio this AM, quoting an anonymous source on the coaching staff saying that Henson has "no chance" of making the test team as long as he inhabits "the republic of Henson".

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:51 pm
by Jackie Brown
Good, he plays for himself and only himself. He doesn't pass, his 'side step' never works, he glides is what i keep hearing on the commentary! How the feck does he glide????He runs like he's running slow motion towards a fan for a fashion shoot. He is not a team player, he isn't an overly good rugby player. One kick against England doesn't make him a superstar, he just has to look outside him to see BOD and then he knows what an international superstar looks like. Maybe thats why he doesn't pass to Brian, in case he gets overshadowed.