Nevin Spence

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Nevin Spence

Post by fermain »

[tag=image] ... 959975.jpg[/tag][tag=content]The tragic news that Nevin Spence has died, alongside his father and brother in an accident on their farm near Hillsborough on Saturday evening has left the Ulster, Irish and world of rugby shattered at the loss of a player who epitomises the spirit of playing rugby at the highest of levels, and combating the challenges that it presents.

Nevin was a promising, talented, inspirational young Irish rugby player, with the world at his feet. A firm favourite at Ulster, Nevin made his debut for Ulster against the Ospreys in 2010 and represented Ulster on 42 occasions.

Lat year his talent was recognised by his fellow professionals when he was named Young Player of the Year at the Irish Rugby Football Union Players’ Association Awards.

Across the four provinces and throughout the UK the messages of condolence have streamed in. We will remember Nevin as a legend within Ulster rugby, and sincerely hope that the families of all the men who passed away recover from this tragedy, and find some solace in the prayers and thoughts of the wider community at this time. We hope and pray that Nevin's sister will pull through from her injuries and make a full recovery.

Nevin Spence RIP 1990-2012

Some additional comments from our contributors below.
In death it is often easy to come up with cliche's about the undoubted qualities of the person who has passed but in Nev's case there are no cliche's to be had. He simply was one of the most rounded, kindest and thoroughly decent people I have ever had the pleasure to have known. Whether you'd met him for five minutes after a match or knew him for years he would treat you no differently. A moment spent in his company and you'd feel like you'd known him a lifetime and that is the mark of the man he was. He was a man who despite his very obvious sporting ability had both feet firmly planted on the ground, he loved nothing more than helping his brother and father out on the family farm. It is of course all the more devastating that this is not a lone death we are mourning as it was in trying to rescue his father Noel and brother Graham that Nevin died. Whatever about our own feelings of loss I am sure I, nor precious few others, will ever quite be able to comprehend the grief and sadness his immediate family are feeling right now. I sincerely hope that their faith will bring some sort of comfort, however small at this time.

In short Nevin was a fantastic athlete, a fantastic person and a fantastic absolute gent. He led his life in a way that should be an inspiration and probably an aspiration to all. The world will undoubtedly be a poorer place without his presence and I hope that lessons can and are learned from this terrible tragedy.

Whilst the focus of a rugby forum is obviously towards Nev, I would like to extend my own deepest sympathies to his mother, two sisters and sister in-law at this time of undoubted turmoil and that they know the thoughts and prayers of every member of the rugby fraternity are with them currently.

Sleep well, you were taken far too soon.
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Re: Nevin Spence

Post by kerryman »

Just an ordinary Munster rugby supporter who had a great time last Easter Sunday, after sucking up the defeat (bitter though that was) with some regular Ulster fans in The Currowgower Bar. Cannot let this dreadful happening pass without expressing my condolences to the Spence family and the family of Ulster rugby on the tragic loss of three fine men.
As one who knows the vagaries of farming, it is sometimes easy forget just how many ways there are for awful things to happen to the farming community in the course of their daily work.
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Re: Nevin Spence

Post by Deckard »

I don't have a lot to add to what fermain has written above, I'm still struggling to get it through my head what has happened..

Nevin was a great player, and would surely have gone on to even greater things. It's a mark of his talents that Rooster's video tribute contains so many memorable moments - my personal favourite memory is of the break he made for Denis Hurley's try against the Saxons in 2011 at Ravenhill, it epitomises what he could do on the pitch, hitting an outside line, stiff-arm fend, then bang, he's gone, great awareness to switch arms and then a nice pop inside to send Hurley to the line..

It seemed to me that he preferred these outside channels, where his nose for a gap and explosive acceleration were of most value, but last season when he was picked inside Cave more often than not, it seems like his attitude was, ‘if the gaffer wants me to take the ball up, then let’s get on with it’.. David Humphrey’s description of him as an uncomplaining, committed model pro certainly rings true. He never left anything out on the pitch – he was the kind of player who, with an uncontested run-in to the try-line, rather than slowing down and strolling the last 10 yards, would rather go flat-out the whole way in..

He will be a great loss to Ulster, but of course the loss in rugby terms is incomparably less significant than the loss of the life of such a young man – and while on this website, our focus naturally turns to Nevin, it is worth remembering his father and brother, whose loss is no less tragic. Nevin was a stranger to me, but the last few days every time he comes to mind I have a miserable feeling overtake me, and a gnaw in the stomach – I can’t even start to imagine the grief and pain that the family and friends must be experiencing.

All I can do is offer sincere condolences and express my deep regret. Nevin is gone, but the fearless, dogged, tousle-haired kid with the dynamite in his boots will be remembered with the greatest esteem and respect by everyone who ever stood at Ravenhill, and many more besides, for many, many years to come.

Nevin, Noel and Graham RIP
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Re: Nevin Spence


Memories of Nevin:

Following the horrendous event which devastated a family, a tight knit rural community, and the wider Ulster family, I’d also like to share my thoughts and memories of Nevin, as a small tribute to him.
My two favourite moments, each representing a different facet of his innate talent, sum up the man for me:
Versus Dragons away, His bullocking, blistering first try; all bristle, muscle, power, pace, determination and no little skill, his little hitch kick flummoxing his opponent; opposition blasted aside, defence cleaved by a blonde lightning bolt..
During last years’ friendly versus Harlequins, when future England Captain Chris Robshaw felt the full force of Nevins’ blitzkrieg tackling, hit by a blonde brick wall hewn from Ulster farming stock, strong as a young bull.. there was only ever one winner.
Both examples epitomised Nevin the man for me; He played the game in the same way he conducted himself in his life away from the sport- fair, selfless, modest, brave, immensely hard working, a team player for the greater good, committed and loyal- to his family, his faith, his community, and to Ulster rugby itself. David Humphries himself attested that Nevin only wanted to play for Ulster, a one team man.
Whilst devastated at the tragic loss of one so young, it should also be a source of great pride to us all that he was an Ulsterman through and through; in my opinion, Nevin represented those values We cherish in a role model, not only within Ulster Rugby, but also in how he conducted himself outside of rugby. This is a fine reflection and tribute to his upbringing and to the values of the family surrounding him, and also on his brother Graham, and father Noel, equal victims in this tragic event.
During this dark time for the family, We can at least be grateful that the family will get every support and comfort from those traditional pillars of Ulster life; the Farming community, His Faith, Ulster Rugby and the Ulster People themselves.
Scanning the rugby fans’ forums and team websites, in Ireland, across Europe, and farther afield, it is a measure of the esteem in which Nevin was held, that invariably they share the shock and devastation at the Spence family’s loss, as well as paying tribute to Nevin, his brother and father… all recognised the nature of the individual behind the blonde shock, the broad hearty smile, and the supreme rugby professional.
I’m immensely Proud that Nevin was an Ulsterman; modest, faithful, straightforward, industrious, a team player, selfless; a model professional, an inspirational example to us all, and a role model for Ulsters’ youth.
Nevin Spence RIP; Son of Ulster, Ulsterman Forever.
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Re: Nevin Spence

Post by Jackie Brown »

RIP Nevin, if God has a gainline in heaven keep smashing over it.

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Re: Nevin Spence

Post by darkside lightside »

Nice tributes.. I love that video Jackie - no commentary required, speaks for itself...
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