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Re: Japan RWC

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 1:37 pm
The Japanese just followed Wellington's observation on Napoleon's tactics, which I believe was;

They came on in the the same old way and we cut them down in the same old way.

Re: Japan RWC

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 2:09 pm
by Hapax Legomenon
Lurgan Lad wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:37 am Agree with Rum too, unless Logan was instructed from Dublin on what to do then it is all on Logan.

As for Ireland obviously very poor, lacking dynamism and much of a clue especially in the second half. Thought all of our front row subs were better than the starters, Beirne more effective than Hendo. In the backs when Carberry came on he was simply awful, putting more pressure on those who he passed to and too jittery rather than running in a simple way that allows the outside backs to support. Strangely we were trying to soften them up in the forwards to give us an overlap in the backs but were achieving literally the opposite, them having a full compliment of backs and us short a few. Weird!
Logan and Browne were responsible for ousting Paddy and Stu.

Re: Japan RWC

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 2:45 pm
by Cockatrice
I recall a conversation with someone with no connection to UR and who would have known nothing about anything advise me about a month after the news first broke that they would never play for Ulster again...

That was long before any hearing and if not mistaken before any charges had been put so it would seem UR had made their mind up from a very early stage.. anyhow are Bryson House world leaders in recycling get?

Re: Japan RWC

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 3:05 pm
by rumncoke
Cockyboy I don't know what line of business your informant was/is in but this wee country nothing is secret from everybody --- before the trial there was those who knew virtually everything about the case -- who she was - her family -- the evidence etc -- If your informant had no connection to UR -- I would conclude his opinion was based on that knowledge rather inside info from UR but then again if he had that information then so had UR. But it is my feeling that it was the public reaction to the trial was the major factor in their dismissal, rather than the evidence, based upon the length of time it took the IRFU to act .

If the decision had been taken before the trial it would have been announced much sooner and the sisterhood denied the opportunity to lynch them via social media.

Re: Japan RWC

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 5:01 pm
by twiglet
Paddy and Stu were treated extremely badly by UR, IRFU, Nucifora et al but the worst treatment was handed out to Ruan.

After turning down a move to France to stay with us in Ulster he was just schit upon by Nucifora.

How can we really support IRFU ?

Re: Japan RWC

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 6:24 pm
by Tender
Completely wrong again wasn’t ‘Public Reaction’ it was the complete hyperbole reaction of a vociferous group of feminazi/me to reactionary twats who scared the bejesus outta BOI etc.
As Ulstermen, they were fecked from the start and I don’t mean the consensual fun bit.

Re: Japan RWC

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 6:32 pm
by big mervyn
CIMANFOREVER wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 7:52 am The word for the weekend, Sesame Street style, is Schadenfreude :red:
The big Saffer back row? Quare player so he is.

Re: Japan RWC

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 8:45 pm
by Bart S
It seems as though some in the media put yesterday's malaise down to the absence of Johnny Sexton. Now whilst he may well have fared better than Carty or Carberry, he is a long way from the World Player of the year form he had in 2018.

One of those where a player's quality goes up just because his replacement played worse. Like Rory Best after Cronin's meltdown in Italy despite Rory hardly being Michael Van Gerwen with his darts.

Re: Japan RWC

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 8:59 pm
by rumncoke
In my opinion But for ladies of Ireland who have as their desired role model a liar with the mouth of a sewer and the habits of a paddy would be the starting out half with fragile Jonny as back up - in my view Sexton is only playing because neither understudy is up to the task .

He lacks the pace to complete his signature loop against any of group 1 teams and it’s to predictable .

Re: Japan RWC

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:52 pm
by solidarity
The Wales Australia game today was a cracker. Fair play to the Welsh for getting well ahead and hanging on by the skin of their teeth. They met tthe Aussies toe to toe, got the rub of the green on a couple of occasions and made their own luck. Loved the drop goals. I thought the Ausies should have had a couple of yellow cards, especially the late tackle on North (or was it Biggar?).

Re: Japan RWC

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 11:11 pm
by BaggyTrousers
Allow me to interject briefly. In the words of the late Kenneth Dodd, how tickled I am that the FIRFUC's have reaped the just rewards their treachery deserves. Up their miserable holes the ># .

In the words of Donald Trump, go on Russia get into the Boglanders.

# ># .

# >#


Does anyone know if that ># Donal Spring is dead yet? I have found religion and pray hourly for his swift demise.

Right no word from Fermain appointing me Moderator in Chief..... goodbye.

Re: Japan RWC

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 4:54 am
by rumncoke
Let’s be frank it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of b*ll*x

Re: Japan RWC

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 1:36 pm
by Shan
I thought there would be some joy in this place after that load of ballix on Saturday. Fair play guys, you never let us down, unlike the men in green. :D

When I was watching the game all I was hoping for was that Japan would not get into the lead. I knew if they did we would not be capable of coming back into it. Whatever excuses etc are rolled out it is just not acceptable. Ireland lost a game they expected to win. However fair play to Japan. they took the opportunities a poor Ireland afforded them and at least they were playing some rugby and fully deserved their win.

Re: Japan RWC

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 1:40 pm
by Shan
solidarity wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:52 pm The Wales Australia game today was a cracker. Fair play to the Welsh for getting well ahead and hanging on by the skin of their teeth. They met tthe Aussies toe to toe, got the rub of the green on a couple of occasions and made their own luck. Loved the drop goals. I thought the Ausies should have had a couple of yellow cards, especially the late tackle on North (or was it Biggar?).

Brilliant game. I was hoping Australia would beat them but, and I hate having to, one has to give credit to Wales for getting the job done.

Re: Japan RWC

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 1:48 pm
by Fintan
Ireland had a total lack of direction at half back for which I would mostly blame Murray who is a seasoned international and Lion.
Only consolation is that we beat Scotland who I hate losing to.
I only know one Japanese person and she's lovely so it's not so bad.