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Re: litany of poor decisions have hurt the province

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:52 am
by Tender
What? Whisky! From an ex drinker who almost ended himself on Whiskey, I think it requires an E in it to be good.

Re: litany of poor decisions have hurt the province

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 12:18 pm
by BR
Tender wrote:What? Whisky! From an ex drinker who almost ended himself on Whiskey, I think it requires an E in it to be good.
Not if Cables was there.

Re: litany of poor decisions have hurt the province

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 12:34 pm
by BaggyTrousers
I too used to abominate whisky, after extensive training I see merit in its malts, on the whole.

Now I just abominate Slogan the Liar.

Right on the train so I get there in time for KO

Re: litany of poor decisions have hurt the province

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 6:25 pm
by Cockatrice
From 2013.... it could have been last week..

Shane Logan Must Go! What is your view?
Postby ulsterfleg » Fri Apr 19, 2013 3:37 pm
Well Mr Logan's interview on television was something to behold!
(My View)
It is about time Ulster Rugby had someone with a wee bit of wit at the helm.
A home fixture at the RDS for the possible League final.
What a fool.

This is another almighty gaff why don't we just hand the trophy to Leinster on a plate.
With a fool like this at the helm, how do we stand a chance of competing at the highest level for the seasons to come?

This is a man with very little creditable qualification for the post of Ulster CEO and I am afraid he has proved this once again.
Mr Logan repeatedly fails to support local rugby he does not show up to support the game at grass roots level which he is payed to do quite handsomely incidentally by IRFU as well as his Ulster Rugby salary.

We are rugby in Ulster and we demand a credible leader.

I am interested to hear if it is just me or are other life long fans bewildered at our lack of leadership from the top.

Time to go Shane you are an embarrassment to Ulster Rugby.
Remember it is all about the team including the sixteenth man.


Re: litany of poor decisions have hurt the province

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 10:59 pm
by Deraless
He sloped off on his own like Norman Nomates across the pitch again afterwards.

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Re: litany of poor decisions have hurt the province

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:18 pm
by Amiga500
Blah blah blah.

The problems mainly lie with the rugby specialists Logan has deferred decisions to. Not Logan himself.

While that might not suit many arguments here - and might pose uncomfortable questions for ex-players (jobs for the boys eh?) - it is what is its.

Heaping the blame on Logan for our ineptitude on the pitch is the act of an idiot.

Re: litany of poor decisions have hurt the province

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 12:44 am
by Snipe Watson
Amiga500 wrote:Blah blah blah.

The problems mainly lie with the rugby specialists Logan has deferred decisions to. Not Logan himself.

While that might not suit many arguments here - and might pose uncomfortable questions for ex-players (jobs for the boys eh?) - it is what is its.

Heaping the blame on Logan for our ineptitude on the pitch is the act of an idiot.
It's the entire culture of the organisation that's rotten Amiga. What we see on the pitch is the outworking of a dysfunctional system headed by a man who has little or no credibility and has sat back blowing his own trumpet while the structure crumbled. Culture starts at the top with the tone set by the CEO.

Re: litany of poor decisions have hurt the province

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 6:12 am
by big mervyn
Fair play to Rugoval and anyone else who attempted to protest.

Re: litany of poor decisions have hurt the province

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 8:19 am
by Tender
Indeed fair play to them, but did anyone really believe they’d be allowed to protest against Shane Logan inside Shane Logan’s Stadium. He built it, or so he’s told us many, many times and he isn’t going to allow supporters to express anti Logan or anti FIRFU views inside his Stadium.
That is why boycotting games is the only means of protest we have open to us, as it’s highly unlikely we could get ourselves well enough organised to have thousands turn up and protest outside Logan’s Stadium during a game.
He cannot force us to go to games, but he can clearly control what happens inside his Stadium, because a handful of lads with one banner, or trying to start a song is easily dealt with by the Eventsec Stewards.
We don’t do protests. We do excuses.

Re: litany of poor decisions have hurt the province

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 9:44 am
by BaggyTrousers
Unfortunately Tender the people who surrendered their banner were clearly under the misapprehension that Eventsec have anything but incredibly limited powers. If they lay hands on you, unless you are committing a legal offence, it is common assault. They know that, most people are cowed by any sort of uniform and they play on that. Had the banner owners told them to fück off they were powerless as no offence was being committed.

Re: litany of poor decisions have hurt the province

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 1:14 pm
by BR
BaggyTrousers wrote:Unfortunately Tender the people who surrendered their banner were clearly under the misapprehension that Eventsec have anything but incredibly limited powers. If they lay hands on you, unless you are committing a legal offence, it is common assault. They know that, most people are cowed by any sort of uniform and they play on that. Had the banner owners told them to fück off they were powerless as no offence was being committed.
Not strictly true Baggy. Staff can use minimal force to eject someone who is trespassing.

Re: litany of poor decisions have hurt the province

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 5:41 pm
by Deraless
I was surprised anyone got anything controversial into the ground given that everything was checked outside. Has the terrorist threat level been escalated for the last 2 weeks or is it someone being paranoid?

Of course you could just bring a normal banner in and a marker and do your artwork inside.

None of the UR values were broken in the banner. It just said LOGAN OUT. No foul language, racism or homophobia. No children were involved. As usual it was inflamed by Eventsec but the guys involved held their ground. There was some waving for them to take it down from the VIP box, but when Eventsec moved in the crowd began to boo and hear them.

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Re: litany of poor decisions have hurt the province

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 8:46 am
by BaggyTrousers
BR wrote:
BaggyTrousers wrote:Unfortunately Tender the people who surrendered their banner were clearly under the misapprehension that Eventsec have anything but incredibly limited powers. If they lay hands on you, unless you are committing a legal offence, it is common assault. They know that, most people are cowed by any sort of uniform and they play on that. Had the banner owners told them to fück off they were powerless as no offence was being committed.
Not strictly true Baggy. Staff can use minimal force to eject someone who is trespassing.
Not quite sure how they were trespassing or that I was BR, I did nothing that broke the terms of my contract when buying my season ticket.

Re: litany of poor decisions have hurt the province

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 9:09 am
by BaggyTrousers
I can help looking at the title of this thread and think it’s about p’s career. :duck:

Re: litany of poor decisions have hurt the province

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 9:44 am
by Russ
So is Logan allowed on the pitch before and after a match?

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