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Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:35 pm
by rugbymunchkin
No I don't know what or where the Polybar is? I presume it is some sort of premises selling alcoholic beverages!

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:50 pm
by pwrmoore
The polybar was the much loved and lamented alternative to the Students Union bar on the the campus of what was then known as the Ulster Polytechnic.

Colinh left the Poly in the term before I joined. By some bizarre coincidence the Poly Bar also closed at the same time :twisted: so I never had an opportunity to sample its delights though its reputation lived on for a few years longer.

Any suggestion that colin singlehandedly funded the poly bar and that it was unable to continue without him are purely malicious and should not be given any credence :twisted:

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 1:06 pm
by rugbymunchkin
You see that clears up a lot of questions in my mind! Thanks pw!
Oh and Fermain... regarding school work and exams and stuff I do well, but regarding everyday common sense I get a U every time! :smurfin: (nearest smiley to a dunce cap)!

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 11:03 am
by colinh
rugbymunchkin wrote:No I don't know what or where the Polybar is? I presume it is some sort of premises selling alcoholic beverages!
It had its own from or initiations but they are not for this MB. Far from being a house of sin it was a most respectable establishment from the outside formerly known as Dalriada House but sadly some of the attendees did not share such high moral ground as was intended. Most of the sinnning went on after leaving the establishment on various jaunts back home or around the halls. Behaviour inside was normally quite moderate by comparison apart from some young gentlemen who from time to time though it was appropriate to relieve themselves out of the windows. The ladies did not avail of this opportunity despite several very gracious and considerate invitiations. But often there was the hearty laughter from young folk enjoying them selves or being entertained by folk singing various folk songs and ditties. Not always in harmony or in unison it should be added as there was normally quite a large amount of beer quafted by that time. There were normally quite a few of our then rugby stars frequenting it for a quiet moment or two away from the stresses and strains rugby and could often be seen there rubbing shoulders of the general masses joining in the song and frivolity.

Colin :twisted: