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Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 6:14 pm
by BR
cables wrote: …She is disadvantaged by hearing loss….
….the advantage of good hearing….
These are two separate things. Unless you are whispering behind her back, then the older woman’s hearing loss is not to your advantage. It is another example of the lose-lose situation that generally disadvantages everyone (other than hearing aid salesmen…)
cables wrote: I do not feel that I am in competition with you.
Glad to hear that.
BR wrote: the reason we are both here is because we share a mutual support for a rugby team (were you a troll, then maybe I could be in 'competition' with you).
Sorry for using the unfamiliar term ‘troll’ – I’ve obviously been frequenting message boards too long. But you will notice I was only giving an example of the sort of person who I could possibly be in competition with on a MB – the sort of person who visits the MB for antagonistic reasons. I described the reasons you and I visit this message board and was contrasting them from trolling – therefore I was suggesting that you were not a troll and I was not in competition with you.

Finally have you come up with a practical advantage I have from the inability to search yet? I still can’t come up with any.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 9:08 pm
by browner

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 11:16 pm
by cables
This Internet trolling is such fun. I am glad you introduced me to it BR.
I found a new book today. It is called “The Trolls New Jersey”
Cables does not have a new jersey. (is cables disadvantaged)
Do you have a new jersey BR?
Some say we may soon have a new Jersey. (now, that would be exploitation)

I see we now have an archivist demanded by peer group pressure and a self-appointed umpire. The umpire must think we are in competition. He must not believe either of us. Should we tell him? I see he may not have picked up on the pyromaniac thingy!

I welcome your affidavit making it clear that I am not a troll. That is such a relief as I prefer to think of myself as a famous Billy Goat grouse.
Billy Goats have beards
Cables has a beard
Do you have a beard BR?

It would appear that these nasty trolls sometimes work off each other in pairs. Some here may not believe your affidavit and suspect we are at it. If experience from the dark side is anything to go by, they may even think you are me!

Prompted by your post and from my subsequent research into trolling, I believe that I actually am a troll. Do you know that voyeurs (non-posters are also described as trolls). You may not be a troll but the bridge to freedom of access to your posts is certainly blocked.

I see you are still having a problem with this idea of mine regarding a continuum of advantage to disadvantage. Again from research, I have found that the Social Scientists actually agree with me. I have found many references to: –
Index of Relative Socio-Economic Advantage/Disadvantage is a continuum of advantage to disadvantage.
These people split the continuum into groups. (Advantaged, Contenders, Dependents, Deviants and Invisible). Don’t rush to say that disadvantaged is not on the list. Disadvantaged would cover all 4 of the lesser groupings. I see there may even be deviants and contenders among us!

I am intrigued by your reply regarding the old lady. It would appear from what you say, that if I was whispering behind her back then you feel I would have an advantage.
I don’t see how – she is fairly deaf and I can talk in front of her and she does not hear me! So where is the advantage in talking behind her back?

The continuum model would suggest that I have advantage through good hearing and certainly that is how she would see it.

Look, while you continue to consider your own question, please don’t forget my main question.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 7:15 am
by browner
New balls please! :bounce:

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 10:56 am
by BR
BR replies in blue:
Cables does not have a new jersey. (is cables disadvantaged) - don’t think so it’s a bit humid today.
Do you have a new jersey BR? – The last new jersey I got was the current Ulster jersey
Some say we may soon have a new Jersey. (now, that would be exploitation) – hope not – I wouldn’t want to be wearing last seasons fashion :);)
I see he may not have picked up on the pyromaniac thingy! - I can’t say I’m a regular flamer – I usually use the ‘ignore them and they’ll go away’ method of troll avoidance.
I welcome your affidavit making it clear that I am not a troll. That is such a relief as I prefer to think of myself as a famous Billy Goat grouse.
The wee BGG, the middle size BGG or the great big BGG? By the way I can recommend a good book which relates it from the troll’s point of view.
Do you have a beard BR? - No longer – although lying awake last night trying to think of that practical application, I admit I did not leave time to shave this morning
I believe that I actually am a troll. – No – I think you have too much useful comment to give than to classified like that. Perhaps you have some trolling tendancies, but I prefer to take people at face value.
Do you know that voyeurs (non-posters are also described as trolls). – I would have called them ‘lurkers’ – or is that a type of dog?
Index of Relative Socio-Economic Advantage/Disadvantage is a continuum of advantage to disadvantage.
These people split the continuum into groups. (Advantaged, Contenders, Dependents, Deviants and Invisible). Don’t rush to say that disadvantaged is not on the list. Disadvantaged would cover all 4 of the lesser groupings. I see there may even be deviants and contenders among us!
Surely it’s the word relative that links these? Although I could have been a contender – but I had a paper round.
I am intrigued by your reply regarding the old lady. It would appear from what you say, that if I was whispering behind her back then you feel I would have an advantage.
I don’t see how – she is fairly deaf and I can talk in front of her and she does not hear me! So where is the advantage in talking behind her back?
The advantage is not in talking behind her back – the advantage is in her hearing loss if you are trying to whisper behind her back.

Perhaps you could explain how you could use the older woman’s hearing loss to your advantage.

Look, while you continue to consider your own question, please don’t forget my main question.
What was it again?
And have you come up with that example yet?

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 2:24 pm
by cables
BR replies in blue: “Confusion” “Read on”
Cables in Red
BR in Blue
Hoi! You in Black who are you?
“Could it be Yer Man in the Stand?” “Has he hacked into BR’s post?” “Could it be a GP referee?”

Talking about Jerseys, I herd something once about a Bull and his 7 Jersey but I can’t really remember how it went and I didn’t get it at the time either!

I see the umpire wants new balls. Do you think that he thinks we are playing a game? I had just been reading that “troll” is also a term in music and, as I was tuned to things musical, a thought pop-up suggested that the balls that he wanted might be “Great Balls of Fire”.

Love to read your troll book. Did you write it? Might write one myself, after all I have now done the research.

Sorry to hear you are lying awake at night thinking about this problem of your’s. Your conscience must be bothering you over this. So it should! It must also be terrible to have to miss shaving in the morning especially for one who is so “fashion conscious”. There is advantage in being hirsute.

“Face value” can be good unless you are hoarding a lotta NB £20’s. You say such nice things. Are you grooming me? Mother and wife have both failed there!

I think the dogs are called Lurchers. You could always phone a friend to find out. Try Yer Man in The Stand, I feel sure you must know him as he could have been a “contender” also - he pulls no punches to this day, I am told. I am also told he has been known to do both lurking and lurching, so he must know.

I see you have at last accepted relativity. It is so much better for people to have individual eureka moments. Relative is exactly what I have been saying all along. You see all things are relative, even the old deaf lady.

Talking about relatives, a relative of mine has an un-listed phone number. He has a similar problem to yours. I spoke to him about this. He said, “why would I want to look up myself?” I resisted the obvious retort and said, “Well as time passes, and memory fades, you may want to look up your own details”. He was as unmoved at this as you are.

I have just been told that I will suffer further disadvantage on Sunday. Something about “RTE2 by aerial”. I was on a medical site at the time, reading things like “by carrier” and “by proxy”. “This RTE2 by aerial must be a disease.” “If it is a disease, it is a very strange disease.” “Those that have it are advantaged!” Hmmmmmmmmm? (I hope that none of those fermain, uafcadmin or Count Karlstein characters think that was "shouting"! – it was only in my head)

I will be quite busy over the weekend what with going to the sky by cable tomorrow and then running around trying to join the ranks of the advantaged by trying to catch this RTE2 by aerial before Sunday.

The usual regards (and question).

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 3:09 pm
by BR
Isn't today 'Bloomsday'? maybe it was yesterday?

Whatever - I must say that your stream of consciousness is nothing short of Joycesque. I freely admit finding Joyce difficult to understand and similarly I honestly don't know which of your questions I have not answered.

(I did not write the BGG story, nor did Joyce - I'll need to get back to you with the author)

Perhaps you could repeat the question in the next post along with the example of a situation where my posts being unsearchable advantages me.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 12:10 am
by cables
BR. I like Dialogue(s). I so look forward to your posts on this thread. It is great to read your posts with their hidden clues linking to the central topic of our conversation. I sometimes wonder if you are trying to tell me that you agree but cannot find a direct way to do so.

You say that my stream of consciousness is nothing short of Joycesque. You may say that, but I could not possibly comment. I am somewhat disappointed however that you did not also mention the complex multi-level puns. He also used many languages in his writings as I have been known to do so in some of my dark-side moments.

Dublin Corporation were very good to Joyce’s father by pensioning him off early. It probably enabled the poor man to use the lump sum to get himself out of Stubbs Gazette. Things were not good for the Joyce family after that, and they slipped down the advantage/disadvantage continuum to a position of relative disadvantage.

Joyce had to leave boarding school at Clongowes Wood College but later was also educated at Belvedere College and UCD. I feel sure that, like you and I, he must have been introduced to Rugby at these fine Rugby playing educational establishments. He also had a Montmartre experience. I trust he recalled more of his than I do of mine!

I really did feel a shiver and what hair I have left stood on end when I discovered that Finnegans Wake was originally titled “Work in Progress”. Why the shiver, you may ask. Well, I compose these writings to you in Word, in a directory called Work in Progress! That got me thinking again. Joyce died just before I was born. Do you believe in re-incarnation?

Have you noticed the high level of interest there is in the development of your thinking in the central issue before us? The thread has reached “popular” status and is only headed by the Celtic League Shenanigans in both replies and views. This CL thing will probably die away in a few days.

Did you see that I managed to catch that RTE2 by Aerial disease?

Do you know that Count Karlstein? If you do, please increase your personal protection in around 134 days. Include today in the Count.

E&O excepted.

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:05 am
by BR
I was educated at neither Belvedere nor UCD - perhaps you are mixing me up with another BR you know - that's another disadvantage with these two letter usernames :lol: - every Tom, Dick and Harry is called BR; maybe I'll change mine.....

For someone who has difficulty finding my posts, you seem, with a certain ease, to be able to make references to posts I have made elsewhere. I'm not sure how they advance our discussion though. Maybe it will all become clear when you reveal that the above verbosity has been purely to create a situation whereby I have some advantage through my posts being unsearchable.

When everything is revealed, will it also demonstrate how you have an advantage from your acquaintance's loss of hearing?

I wait in hope.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 1:42 am
by cables
I see you did not mention Clongowes Wood College. I wondered if that was an omission or did you perhaps study/teach at CW College and preferred not to refer to it. Anyway, it’s not important.

Where I have made reference to points or statements you and other users have made elsewhere, it has been with relative ease just as you say. When something memorable is written, I seem to automatically build a mind map. What was said resides within a triangle. The triangle will be bounded by, username, context and some other thing linking these. (The key is always the username.) The quote will be found within the triangle. Recovery is then relatively easy. Searches are for when I only have partial recall or to confirm that my recall is correct.

BTW I can return that compliment. How do YOU do it?

I can tell you that there are some I have never searched for and am unlikely ever to do so.

Until late this evening, I thought you had perhaps decided to reserve "BR" exclusively for our little conversation on this thread but I see I was wrong in that.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:12 pm
by Cap'n Grumpy
For any lost souls who have happened upon this thread of late and can't be bothered to read from the start, a précis is available on SCOOP (darkside publications - a sub-division of Grauniad neswappers)

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:52 pm
by BR
I have very few triangles in my mind – there is one with the word ‘Bermuda’ – which I blame for the disappearance of all the rest. There is also one with the word ‘Bass’ – which it would be fair to say should shoulder some of the responsibility. I seem to remember one with the word ‘Fire’ in it and ‘Heat’, ‘Fuel’ and ‘O2’ around the outside – perhaps I do have pyromaniac tendencies after all – I tried replacing the ‘O2’ with ‘orange’ but that didn’t mix very well with the Bass, and I began to feel sick. I once played the triangle at primary school – I don’t think I was very good, anyway you would never hear a triangle on the terrace with those bloody drums.

You don’t mention what sort of triangles you have floating around your mind, but given that one side is the key and one side is simply ‘some other thing’ – it would appear that they are not equilateral. Perhaps they are right-angled with the username making up the hypotenuse.

In which case:
Pythagoras wrote:
BR=((advantage)(advantage)+(detection avoidance)(detection avoidance))^ 0.5
BBRR = ((advantage)(advantage)+(detection avoidance)(detection avoidance))
BBRR – (advantage)(advantage)= (detection avoidance)(detection avoidance)
(BBRR + (disadvantage)(advantage))(avoidance detected) = detection avoidance
Which proves pretty convincingly that not even Pythagoras has a clue what we’re on about any more.

But at least Pythagoras has a practical application - I believe he was a very good scaffolder in his day.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 7:17 pm
by the original kimble
Dear BR and Cables,

I confess to reading the lot. Not that I understood it all, but I learn something new everyday. I had been writing an audit on how a certain Government organisation wastes my taxes - yours as well, if you pay them. (What’s worse, the same organisation pays me to write these audits, which only exacerbates the problem!)

Anyway, I digress. I had been writing the audit when my attention was drawn to the “you’ve got mail” thingy that hovers around my screen, and, having put off the moment for some hours, I could resist it no longer. And there among the trash of the day was a message from the Cap’n, alerting me to the marathon game of game of tennis currently being played here. It reminds me of the Amritraj brothers at their very best. So, Cables, I see its advantage BR at present, with you to serve.



Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:32 am
by cables
BR I see you continue to brazen it out. Breve to admit to playing a triangle at school however as there is a joke about triangle players. There is also a joke about the Bermuda Triangle, but I could not possibly use it here. Is the reference to “scaffolder” another hint that you may drop BR?

Have we two umpires now or is Browner taking a breather? At least you have managed to bring a few customers over from the dark side. A piece of trollish brillance by you perhaps.

I can’t really brag about this as it took me so long, but I may now be able to connect your Tom, Dick, Harry and BR. It did not come to me as a bright idea. I did not have to do any brainstorming to get there. I did not even have to use my ie browser. I got this from a book a person brought me recently and after all there is a Lion’s Breakfast on Saturday morning:

British and Irish Lions from Ulster
Tom Brand (NIFC) 1924
Dick Milliken (Bangor/Ire) 1974
Harry McKibbin (Queens Uni, Belfast/Ire) 1938

Just like Tom, Dick and Harry, there are BR’s everywhere it would seem - all those BR’s and none of them detectable by searching.

I see the Cap’n of that Brig on the less bright site, the leader of that brigade of brigands fondly referred to as a crew, has posted a brief history of our conversation. I don’t think the Cap’n will stray into the Bermuda Triangle – it has swallowed up too many seamen already.

TOK wrote:
“So, Cables, I see its advantage BR at present, with you to serve.”
That is exactly what I have been saying from the beginning. It has always been advantage BR.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 12:53 pm
by Cap'n Grumpy

I shall refrain from any further reference to swallowed seamen, and shall keep this short (Bermuda short?)

You seem to have opened a can of worms over this one. The press are now into it in a big way, and SCOOP now contends that it is you, not BR who needs to shed a little light on this dark subject!