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Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:23 pm
by ballpark
bogboy wrote: At this time my view is that UR have actually nothing to discuss if there are no concrete agreed proposals on redevelopment
More likely Steel and Aluminium rather than concrete BB :lol: , my understanding is that the proposals for redevelopment had went to planning and as such under neghbour notification as well as wider issues the planners will raise with UR, residents would have a chance to have their say during the planning process.

Part of the planners remit is to question the whole process of how UR will cope with the transport issue surrounding Ravenhill. It should be noted there is a reduced capacity from the current one so there is unlikely to be an increase in traffic. As for an increase in traffic between matches to and from Ravenhill which I thought I saw mentioned earlierthis would be no worse than any other business in the area with a specific number of employees.

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:49 pm
by Rooster
Mole wrote:
More than one ticket........ and has been going on for a number of years.....
Mole you were starting to get some sympathy building in my head but when you write the above and then state this
Put simply.......

On Friday morning the car was park legally, no problems, parked there every day, day in day out, evenings etc. etc. no issues whatsoever.......

Car not moved all day.........

Come back Friday evening now parked illegally........... and if not already fined can't move to the RHS of road because there are no places........
You have now totally lost any sympathy I had aquired over the course of today :shock: Thats's plain stupid man, it's like sticking your hand in a pot of boiling water and going back when the burns have healed to try it again to see if it still hurts :roll:

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 11:36 pm
by Rooster
YM if he has done it several times the police will nail him every time as he knows the score and the rules that they make, no point in pleading ignorance. CT's case is different as on the Mount Merrion side the areas that are coned vary greatly for no apparent reason, I was parked one night then the van came and dropped cones front and back of car, I queried if I should move and PC said " it's ok you were there before us" he then as I requested took down my number just in case one of his overzealous compatriots ticketed me.
BTW, I might live in the sticks but if I parked on the road outside my house at any time of day any day I would cause an obstruction and be liable for a ticket :shock:

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:15 am
by Jackie Brown
Sounds like the not in my back yard syndrome. Fact is you purchased your house knowing there was a Rugby ground at the end of your street, which might attract fans. If your problem is parking, then that should be taken up with the PSNI, Ulster Rugby have done a lot to ease congestion with their park and ride scheme. The road outside your home is owned by the tax payer and therefore they have as much right to park there as you do.

I know a resident who has confessed they only complain to UR to get their free season ticket and free back stage passes to Meatloaf.

Hate to say it, but if you have such a major problem with Ravenhill then move. Plenty of other people who love a house in that area.

I live on the Shore road in Jordanstown, massive tailbacks every evening on the A2 to Carrick, pollution, noise, accidents, congestion all due to poor road planning, but you don't hear me complaining.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:30 am
by ultimate ulster chick
Jackie Brown wrote:I live on the Shore road in Jordanstown, massive tailbacks every evening on the A2 to Carrick, pollution, noise, accidents, congestion all due to poor road planning, but you don't hear me complaining.
Well... except there now, eh?! haha! Well, I live near a popular drinking spot on the Lisburn Road and the thoughless taxi drivers p*ss me off something shocking. And as for the very popular food store beside it - customers regularly, 8am-10pm of every day, park across driveways, on double yellow lines, at junctions. And what do the police do? Park their Landrover on the pavement to join customers in said foodstore. Again, I complain if I encounter abusive patrons who swear at me when I point out the error of their ways. But as for general complaints about the parking issue, traffic etc - well, if you buy a house off the busy Lisburn Road, it comes with the territory.

Re: Ulster Rugby Residents Association

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:05 am
by ballpark
Mole wrote:Any comments?

' at which the concern, frustration and even anger among residents at the proposed development of Ravenhill was expressed. What was clear that evening was the total lack of understanding by the Ulster Branch representatives of the residents’ views and concerns.

Eight months later and no such meetings have been convened and no approaches made by the Ulster Branch to the residents.

All have one thing in common – a deep concern that the Ravenhill development will have a very negative impact on their homes, families and lives. The aim of URRA is therefore:

' but also maximise the benefits to our community of this development, should it be approved”

The residents’ concerns are…….
– The lack of any meaningful consultation on the proposals and established dialogue between the Ulster Branch and Residents;
– Growing match day usage at Ravenhill;
– Increasing day to day usage at Ravenhill;
– New plans for entertainment and corporate facilities at Ravenhill;
– Match day parking and obstructions
– Match day congestion and restrictions
– Litter/damage to property/lack of stewarding
– Disturbance during construction and redevelopment of the Ravenhill site

Unfortunately we feel that the Ulster Branch of the IRFU do not understand this and fail as good neighbours.

We plan over the summer to meet with the PSNI and other bodies to seek support and advice. We hope soon also to meet with the Ulster Branch to begin tackling them directly on our concerns.

Of course the most important thing is that we do all we can to best represent the views of residents in the area around Ravenhill Rugby ground about the development proposals.
Seems Moley's parking problems might be teeny wee bit of this though it seems to have occupied acres of some poster's minds for some reason :o

Re: Ulster Rugby Residents Association

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:46 am
by Rooster
ballpark wrote:
Seems Moley's parking problems might be teeny wee bit of this though it seems to have occupied acres of some poster's minds for some reason :o
It may have ballpark, but it illustrates Mole's attitude taken about the whole affair and does not show them up to being very rational, I think they would be very difficult to have a helpfull, constructive debate with with the type af attitude they are taking with the PSNI and their parking problem.

Litter, damage to property, noise etc are serious problems but something that UR will have great problems doing anything about that is up to individual punters, residents and the police. It is a very ignorant disrespectfull behaviour for anyone to chuck litter into someones garden, park in private access and create a general racket outside someones house at any time of day.
Yes there will be trucks etc in and out of the site during construction, but it will be during work hours when even Mole is at work as is illlustrated by their problem of coming home and car ticketed.

After all that though Ulster Rugby should be trying to assit to iron out some of these problems and be talking to the residents.

Re: Ulster Rugby Residents Association

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:16 am
by pwrmoore
Rooster wrote:
Litter, damage to property, noise etc are serious problems but something that UR will have great problems doing anything about that is up to individual punters, residents and the police. It is a very ignorant disrespectfull behaviour for anyone to chuck litter into someones garden, park in private access and create a general racket outside someones house at any time of day.
Yes there will be trucks etc in and out of the site during construction, but it will be during work hours when even Mole is at work as is illlustrated by their problem of coming home and car ticketed.

After all that though Ulster Rugby should be trying to assit to iron out some of these problems and be talking to the residents.
Not something that UR can do anything about directly. But it is incumbent on all of us who want to continue to watch Rugby at ravenhill to realise that damage to property and a lack of respect for the residents in the area reflect badly on us all and could well convince a planning committee not to grant permission for further development.

UR need to be seen to be doing whatever they can in setting the tone of tolerance and respect for the wishes of the residents to ensure a harmonious relationship which results in a re-developed Ravenhill. And we as fans need to ensure that nothing we do endangers that relationship.

I know we're always very proud of our reaction to bigots and racists within the ground, making our feelings felt and stamping out bad behaviour within Ravenhill itself. But do we do the same to ensure that our fellow fans behave themselves on the way to and from the ground?

Yes you can argue that the residents should have been aware of the potential risks when they moved into the area but nevertheless we should respect their property and personal space and we should all be vocal in our condemnation of inconsiderate and disrespectful behaviour from OUR fellow fans.

Re: Ulster Rugby Residents Association

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:37 am
by BR
pwrmoore wrote:
Rooster wrote:
Litter, damage to property, noise etc are serious problems but something that UR will have great problems doing anything about that is up to individual punters, residents and the police. It is a very ignorant disrespectfull behaviour for anyone to chuck litter into someones garden, park in private access and create a general racket outside someones house at any time of day.
Yes there will be trucks etc in and out of the site during construction, but it will be during work hours when even Mole is at work as is illlustrated by their problem of coming home and car ticketed.

After all that though Ulster Rugby should be trying to assit to iron out some of these problems and be talking to the residents.
Not something that UR can do anything about directly. But it is incumbent on all of us who want to continue to watch Rugby at ravenhill to realise that damage to property and a lack of respect for the residents in the area reflect badly on us all and could well convince a planning committee not to grant permission for further development.

UR need to be seen to be doing whatever they can in setting the tone of tolerance and respect for the wishes of the residents to ensure a harmonious relationship which results in a re-developed Ravenhill. And we as fans need to ensure that nothing we do endangers that relationship.

I know we're always very proud of our reaction to bigots and racists within the ground, making our feelings felt and stamping out bad behaviour within Ravenhill itself. But do we do the same to ensure that our fellow fans behave themselves on the way to and from the ground?

Yes you can argue that the residents should have been aware of the potential risks when they moved into the area but nevertheless we should respect their property and personal space and we should all be vocal in our condemnation of inconsiderate and disrespectful behaviour from OUR fellow fans.
What he said!

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:27 am
by HwoodMike2umate
at the height of the troubles i had loadsa helicopters flying quite low over me house (things wud rattle) into Palace Barracks at all hours of the day and nite and quite often all sorts of sizes of noisy army vehicles in large convoys waking me (and me cats) up at 3am etc etc. and foot patrols passing the house etc etc Did i complain ? No . But i'm sure some moaners did. Some people need 2 get a life.

Moleys back............

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:48 am
by Mole
Moleys back YM

Right firstly question of numbers.............

The changes at Ravenhill are not being put in place because they want less people coming to the matches Ballpark.......

While the total maximum may not be increased, it is the desire of UR to try and get a maximum turn out at every match, once the comfy seats are in place, therefore UR is planing an increase in the actual use of the ground.....

Next Bogboy is completly wrong with regard the sweetie shop example, just ask McDonalds fast food who are responsible for their litter outside their outlets........take note is something UR can do and are indeed expected to do.....

No Cocky ..... I'm not a repeat offender...... might be thick but not stupid.... soon get the message, but why should I have to do all this messing about?

See there is plenty of the your hook you pack of whinging b@@tasrds, shouldn't have moved here in the first place, you ought to be thankful that we come and park outside all your houses, block your gateways, trap you in your houses and throw rubbish in your gardens............. attitudes still coming in (JackieB).

Would suggest that it was this unacceptable face UR that led the URRA to be formed in the first place......... your not on the Ulster Rugby management team by any chance?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:54 am
by HwoodMike2umate

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:44 am
by Gary
Just think anybody buying a house round there should have noticed the big rugby ground at the end of the street :?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:13 pm
by HwoodMike2umate
more sunday games please. :lol: :lol:

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:22 pm
by Mole

You assume that all the residents are new to the area or bought houses with UR the thriving concern it now is...... not so...... I myself have been there since 1990 and a lot of people have been there longer....... raised wee uns etc............ remember when 5 men and a dog were the total of the Ravenhill fans? (........... dog long since gone rabbid mad, got ideas above its station and now goes by the name YoungMan)

YM.... from your last entry I can see there is no simpathy in your mad cruel heart...........

HYMike..... are you also mad....... do you remember the pickets from the God Squad the last time...... if you think URRA is bad, what happens when you go against the big fella.........

Back to the earthworms....... boss thinks I'm working hard as every time he passes I'm hammering away on the keyboard................
