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Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:15 pm
by Solid Air
Totally agree Cap'n, I trust it will NOT be re-hashed anywhere, or any attempt made to widen the content, point was an in-depth local interview like the original article would have made for excellent organic journalism.

BTW is an Ulster Hug anything like a Glasgow Kiss?? If so you can deliver it on your own!

A problem shared is a problem halved, so they say, the admiration will be strengthened.

IMO he is one of the most genuine individuals I have seen come to Ulster, it's relatively difficult to 'win over' an Ulster crowd, they don't suffer fools gladly!! But he has shown, both on and off the field, what being a professional sportsperson is all about, produces the goods on-field, and always last to leave the programme signing after the match. I know my wee fella has been lofted high on a couple of occasions for a photograph with him, when, in reality, the last thing he needs to do after 80 minutes hard physical is lift kids!!

I found the insight into his upbringing and early days very interesting as well, his Aboriginal skin name is tremendous, 2nd Barrier Crew should feel a new banner coming on 'Beware the Jagamarra my son! The jaws that bite the claws that catch!'

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:19 pm
by Cap'n Grumpy
Solid Air wrote:I found the insight into his upbringing and early days very interesting as well, his Aboriginal skin name is tremendous, 2nd Barrier Crew should feel a new banner coming on 'Beware the Jagamarra my son! The jaws that bite the claws that catch!'
Now there's an idea :idea:

Working on one for Saturday against the Scarlets first though. Hope we have time to get it done, but a bit pressed at the moment.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:20 pm
by Judith Harrison
Capt.Grumpy-now your reply has made me cry...!! I know he has 'family' there, I've witnessed it. Wish so much I was there NOW though. Perhaps now Justin will be more able to 'move on' and talk- he's opened his inner self enough,he's a total 'softie' though, but no pity-just encouragement! I'll never know how my boy got on that plane to return to Ulster last season, carrying so much heartache.He wanted no-one to see him off. I do genuinely know you will care for him-I know he is awed by supporters' appreciation of him. Look after him.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:28 pm
by Cap'n Grumpy
Judy - call me "Grumps" :lol:

I often make people cry, so don't feel bad about that - it's just that I usually do it with my singing :roll: (I don't make a joyfull noise - I make a noise, joyfully)

I hope we can help him recover, but we can't take the pain away. Even Guinness ain't the answer to that one.


Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:42 pm
by Solid Air
JH, trust me, you wouldn't want to be here now, it's raining and would freeze the didgeridoo off a wombat, but as the Cap'n said there'll be 12500 of us to look after him at the weekend, he can take us all out for a pint......................

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:54 pm
by Judith Harrison
Solid Air- yes his upbringing with Aborigines is unique-most Aussies find it interesting and 'different'. We spent 3Years at Yuendumu,about 350kms. NW of Alice Springs, in Tanami Desert. Adrian was Adult Educator for adoles. and I was Nursing Sister at Clinic.Only ever about 30 whites and approx.2000 Aborigines of Warlpiri tribe(largest remaining tribe in Aust.) Very traditional tribe. Justin has skin-name (similar to our cousins,neices etc) of Jagamarra- I am Nappanunga, and Adrian is Jupurrula. Still sticks with us-nearly 20 years later!! Contrary to his interview!..J. was about 7years old when we divorced, and the kids did return to live with father and Sue, but in Nth.Territory-but north, near Arnhem Land and Darwin. Looking back, hope J. wasn't 'bounced about' too much! He has brother Jamie(36yrs) and sister Cathrine(30yrs)- Adrian re-married and has 2 boys; I re-married and had 3 girls....that's a total of 7 siblings who love and admire him dearly. So now I've 'spilled' our history!! Guess I was too moved by J.s interview! Do tell me more about a banner for the boy! He'd be wrapt!!

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:36 pm
by aarons
Solid Air wrote:Wouldn't it have been tremendous to see our local press posting an interview like this..................................
i know what you mean.. but the interview is from the irish edition of the sunday times, so it pretty much is local.

granted you probably meant the BT or the NL - but they just don't have it in them.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:47 pm
by Solid Air
Judith Harrison wrote:Solid Air- yes his upbringing with Aborigines is unique-most Aussies find it interesting and 'different'. We spent 3Years at Yuendumu,about 350kms. NW of Alice Springs, in Tanami Desert. Adrian was Adult Educator for adoles. and I was Nursing Sister at Clinic.Only ever about 30 whites and approx.2000 Aborigines of Warlpiri tribe(largest remaining tribe in Aust.) Very traditional tribe. Justin has skin-name (similar to our cousins,neices etc) of Jagamarra- I am Nappanunga, and Adrian is Jupurrula. Still sticks with us-nearly 20 years later!! Contrary to his interview!..J. was about 7years old when we divorced, and the kids did return to live with father and Sue, but in Nth.Territory-but north, near Arnhem Land and Darwin. Looking back, hope J. wasn't 'bounced about' too much! He has brother Jamie(36yrs) and sister Cathrine(30yrs)- Adrian re-married and has 2 boys; I re-married and had 3 girls....that's a total of 7 siblings who love and admire him dearly. So now I've 'spilled' our history!! Guess I was too moved by J.s interview! Do tell me more about a banner for the boy! He'd be wrapt!!
Fascinating! Don’t think you could bounce Justin around too easily! His upbringing and early life were certainly colourful events, and any multi-cultural influence makes for a rounder individual IMO.

His ‘namesake’ Malcolm Jagamarra is an Aboriginal artist of some note (?), with an even more colourful upbringing, the son of an Aboriginal woman and an Irish Bushman, who was hidden by his mother, but taken from his home at the age of six, sent to Adelaide, where he spent 18 years, and was also a sportsman who played league football? Off-topic I know, but still an interesting aside on the name Jagamarra! (there is another artist called Michael Jagamarra as well, can Justin paint, as HWM would say the Ulster public have a right to know?)

Belfast is well-known for banners (!), I’m sure the Cap’n and his crew will oblige with something suitable in the near future, speaking for him I know, but no doubt the 2BC will step up to the mark!

The indigenous Belfast names are also well renowned and steeped in mystical origins, mine is ‘Baldy’ which has also stuck with me for nearly twenty years, can’t think why though…….

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:59 pm
by Judith Harrison
Yes, correct, Solid Air- artist Micheal Jagamarra Nelson-well known artist, as is his brother Harry Jagamarra Nelson, who did original paintings for our Powerhouse Museum,Darling Harbour,near Opera House. They would be Justins' "brothers" and can ask for favours,money,housing etc... Jeez, hope they don't track him down in Bangor..!!

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:06 pm
by Judith Harrison
And also, i'm sure ur indigenous Belfast names would be be more interesting- think of an appropriate 'mystical' symbolic name for my kid!! I'm still delving for some,ANY, Irish heritage to claim- can only find basic convicts...?!!

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:16 pm
by cjp
A Banner has to be made with Jaggamara in it. Remember when I first saw him over here and was on the Lisburn Road and said Hi, welcome to ulster Justin just in passing, but he stopped and turned and talked to me. Even anyone seeing him after the Irish home game, where he was first out for the lap of honour and all these kids came running to him as he was applauding the terrace, he turned and ran at them, about 50 kids just turned and suddenly ran away was great and shows how decent a lad he is.

I for one knew nothing of these troubles but I am so glad he is back, there have been very few signings to get such a raport (?) with the supports and such an influence on the team. His defence of Ferris to Hook was also superb.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:23 pm
by Solid Air
Judith Harrison wrote:And also, i'm sure ur indigenous Belfast names would be be more interesting- think of an appropriate 'mystical' symbolic name for my kid!! I'm still delving for some,ANY, Irish heritage to claim- can only find basic convicts...?!!
What about 'Sliabh na Jagamarra'---------The Mountain of Jagamarra!

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:44 pm
by Jackie Brown
How do u pronounce that one SA??

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:46 pm
by Solid Air
That would be a 'sleeve' JB!

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:46 pm
by Judith Harrison
cjp- if you do a banner, please take photos! Justin will really love it! I know this week is a BIG game,but it's at Ravers- all will be O.K.!