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Re: Logan must go

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 3:34 pm
by BR
What would be achieved by Logan's departure?
He may as well stay in post.

Re: Logan must go

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 3:36 pm
by Big-al
God sake, just watched the start of the video again.

It is the attitude he is showing that seems to have taken over the organisation. "Not my fault, I'm great".

It's the same as Willie Anderson and Keiran Campbell praising how well coached the Ravens are in interviews and claiming the Ulster academy as more successful than Leinsters.

or how great the Ulster fitness coach is, even though for this past 2 or 3 seasons Ulster have lost a heap of matches in the last quarter and many players are out on their feet.

It is ridiculous.

This review wont be worth a damn if the attitude Logan is showing in that interview is anything to go by. He is the leader of an organisation that has failed significantly, he has failed to show any leadership in our darkest hours & with no DOR currently in place it should be his duty to front up & face the music, instead he has sent out people to do his dirty work for him.

Re: Logan must go

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 3:42 pm
by BaggyTrousers

Re: Logan must go

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 3:45 pm
by BaggyTrousers
Ulster Rugby Chief Executive Shane Logan has given an update on a number of issues…

00:00 - His position

Is very clearly untenable, it is obvious that nobody here, former players, & somewhat obliquely to press and I would guess many current players and to my certain knowledge, several committeemen think differently.

01:35 - Tough times

Some would change "tough times" to all-time low in the pro-era. Yes there were many poor years but there were wins of the ERC, the Magners League & Celtic Cup amongst the bad years. I would argue that real professionalism came briefly with David Humphreys and walked out the door with him, albeit, having assembled a strong team, it took another couple of years for the excrement to hit the fan and rot to set in.

Let us be very clear that no action from the CEO in terms of appointments has worked subsequently as first a drunk & then a muppet was given the top coaching job.

04:48 - Low profile

We got a coward's answer, at best he is guilty of very poor judgement in deciding to prioritise "business meetings" to declare how God has saved him over meeting arguably his most important constituency the season ticket holders who are so valuable in providing cash flow to UR. So is he a man of poor judgement or a coward who will not face parts of 10000 group of ST holders.

05:30 - Trial

It is becoming abundantly clear that irrespective of poor judgement, this "trial" is a shambles, I expect they will be found "not guilty", thereafter it is not clear if they want to continue playing here, but I seriously hope that their dubious judgement is not held against them by the pious should they wish to continue. What part of not guilty does Mr Logan not understand?

05:53 - Coaching

OK Mr Logan, are you seriously suggesting that we accept that Nucifora, a man I personally despise, is to blame for the appointments that have spectacularly failed? Really? Does any buck stop on your desk? I'd love to blame Nucifora over you but I am not a halfwit.

08:16 - Amateur game

Absurd nonsense from you, investigate your assertions about adult male players, then come back to us and explain the obvious decline. The "traditional amateur game" - adult male - is declining and no amount of obfuscation can disguise that. No top-level AIL team from Ulster speaks volumes, teams previously at that level, in general, seriously diminished.

10:01 - Academy

It is somewhat ironic that this area, previously considered a jokeshop, and still held with much suspicion by many, now appears to be functioning considerably better. If you can genuinely claim that was a result of your planning, rather than say a strategic idea of David Humphreys, I congratulate you.

11:53 - Future plans[/color]

I think the general consensus is that you resign and let those who can, do.

Re: Logan must go

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 3:49 pm
by Deraless
I wouldn't have expected him to say much about on going procedings, but he managed to throw in that whatever happens it will be an FIRFU decision and therefore deflect any responsibility from himself. No guts, all glory.

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Re: Logan must go

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 4:40 pm
by BaggyTrousers
Deraless wrote:I wouldn't have expected him to say much about on going procedings, but he managed to throw in that whatever happens it will be an FIRFU decision and therefore deflect any responsibility from himself. No guts, all glory.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

Yes of course, but clearly the big review after the case is really one of two things. Exclude a guilty verdict for that would render a review pointless. The two positions possible are:

1) they are innocent men whose reputations have been impugned by a dubious prosecution.
2) we don’t care about the verdict, let’s find a way to get rid of them legally.

That’s all folks.

The only remaining factor is, do they want to play for Ulster or get out of this shitehole like all people if sense, particularly yours truly. Less than 2 months :cheers:

Re: Logan must go

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 5:28 pm
by Cockatrice
I soon expect a Chinese style announcement that he is to be CEO for life...

34,000 playing yet the domestic game struggles with less than 2,500 registered players and from what I hear the number of females playing in Ulster is ridcolously low..

As for the Woman’s Rugby World Cup it was the IRFU that brought the competition to Ireland and no doubt they were happy to palm off a final that would have looked bad in the Avia whilst keeping us nordies happy feel part of the family. As for his being responsIble for the Legands ladies match at Malone I understand one or two of the girls did most of the donkey work and I had assumed that Malone RFC run the wider event..

A man that can throw facts and figures out without any substantiation or evidence but let’s be under no illusion this man is going nowhere... and the only to waken Bryn up to reality with a signicant drop in season ticket sales..

Re: Logan must go

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 6:29 pm
by Tender
He clearly didn't read the blog earlier in the week when our southern mole pointed out how many Ulster players fail to progress from the underage Ireland set-up to play for Ulster. Much better to bring in great players like Herron, Hond, Deysel and Ah-Feck.

Re: Logan must go

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 9:26 pm
by Cockatrice
We need an umbrella and a Russian to sort this

Re: Logan must go

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 10:19 pm
by Mac
BaggyTrousers wrote:Logan, it may have been Jesus who said it, but I'm pretty sure it was Ronan Keating who said, "You say it best when you say nothing at all".

It is claimed that Abraham Lincoln said: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt." I believe it is simply an adaptation of one of King Solomon's so-called proverbs. Either way Logan you blew it, you are now considered not just a fool, but also a coward.

FFFS man what were you thinking, a couple of days after your cowardly no-show in front of season ticket holders, you stage manage an "interview" with questions you almost certainly scripted yourself? Foolish.

Wow, you aren't Jesus, you cannot be omnipresent, you attend hundreds of meetings.....................sweet Jesus man, you watch Ulster falling apart, no comment, you see your DOR go, no comment, you see the whole season torn to shreds, no comment, you accept Jono's resignation, no comment. Then under a welter of criticism, you decide to try to bullshit your way out of it. :duh: :duh: :duh:

People who rarely post, post to call you out, two new posters (welcome guys) sign up to call you out, and not one word posted in 30-40 posts saying one favourable word about you.

You have attempted to bullshit us with your achievements in the job, you problem fella is not one of them has happened in the last three years, you failed to mention that this woeful season looks like ending with no playoff for the 2nd year running, even with 2 additional places and do not dare call the playoff for the last SDC place a playoff in the sense we all know & understand.

Let me tell you something Terry, you say we are debt free and cleared millions, guess how? You got more than threequarters of a stadium free of charge and the team attracted crowds well above the budgeted figures post stadium renewal. So look Terry, the fans paid off millions of debt but you will treat us with arrogance and bullshit us at your peril.

Furthermore, you are where the buck stops, how do you explain sitting on your hands whilst an open publicly known feud carried on under your nose in the coaching staff? How do you explain the man you identified not once but twice as the greatest DOR you could source and him being by a large distance the most disastrous coach during your tenure?

You, sir, are a bluffer and that "interview" was an embarrassment. If you care about Ulster Rugby even half as much as yourself you will do the decent thing, understand your time of usefulness has passed and resign.
Bagster you and I are both long enough in the tooth to know that nobody, but nobody is untouchable despite
their delusional view of their own self importance. Everybody in a "layer cake" organisation is answerable to
someone and I think the most pertinent question asked was a few pages back by Lurgan Lad......
Lurgan Lad wrote:
How exactly do we get rid of this waste of space? Who can sack him, is it Dublin or is there anyone in Belfast can tell him to FO?
First off, the Logan Tape -
I'm actually viewing its appearance, regardless of its very specific timing, as that of someone who in under
severe pressure from within as well as from outside. IF he felt that he was secure and in an unassailable
position then I can guarantee that the the Logan Tape would never have appeared in the first place. It smacks of
a man who obviously feels the need to go on the offensive. He's an astute enough individual to attempt to take
"higher ground" as part of his defensive strategy. AND there is a strategy being played out here but who is it aimed at?

I can nearly guarantee it's not for you, I or indeed any others around these particular parts. There in lies the real
question, who or what does Logie feel threatened by? As Lurgan Lad said, who holds ultimate power? In this Layer
Cake it's a combination of the Branch & D4. Logie is still an employee after all and these are his employers. It is they
who hold power and it is they who have ultimate responsibility to eventually make that call. I think it's now down
to timing. Any business provides a product or service. If one strips away the clutter of "success" that Shane is throwing
up as a smoke screen then the end product in this case is rugby on the field.........and that product/service is
undoubtedly not being provided in an kind of shape, form or manner as an acceptable end product.

The axe will fall eventually and will be yielded under pressure from the D4 mob and they have fried much larger
fish than Logie. This is being played out hot and heavy behind closed doors........but there is a clock ticking
somewhere !

Re: Logan must go

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 5:59 pm
by Polly Cotton
I believe he is still telling people of the time he was in the Royal Marines, I beg anyone here who has any contacts in the Marines to tell them what this Walter Mitty is doing, I can guarantee that they won't be long in exposing it.

Re: Logan must go

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 6:52 pm
by horslips

A question that springs to my mind is how might he be removed. I assume he holds a full time permanent contract of employment and is therefore subject to the normal employment laws. Were he on a fixed term contract it would relatively easy to pay the balance of the term remaining if one wished and move on. In his case there are only 2 routes that I can see, either a disciplinary process for misconduct or dismissal under a Performance and Capability review.
In the case of the former and in spite of the criminal at times performances we have seen on the pitch the argument in defence is no doubt that FOLK was foisted upon UR and unless there is something more serious it is unlikely there is any case to answer.

With regard to the Performance and Capability there is more than enough wriggle room with the Stadium, sponsor ship and perhaps even , at least up until last year, season ticket sales to defect criticism.

In short the only way he will go is if he decides to do the decent thing, man up and take responsibility. Is'nt that a comforting thought!

Re: Logan must go

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 7:38 pm
by Cockatrice
Horslips... CV

Polly... Have heard the RM stuff before and assumed it had stopped but surely it is still not continuing. I know a retired Colonel in the Corp but which unit and what years.. that might be a problem.

Re: Logan must go

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 7:58 pm
by UlsterNo9 ... 93662.html
Comment: Ulster's box-ticking Logan interview insults supporters' intelligence

By Jonathan Bradley

March 12 2018

You may have missed it over the weekend, and you were meant to, but Ulster chief executive Shane Logan addressed Ulster fans on Saturday evening.
The embattled CEO has been under fire for his failure to answer questions during a tumultuous three months for the province, a period that has seen the loss of both a director of rugby and head coach, as well as poor on-field results leaving the side under threat of missing out on Champions Cup qualification for next year.

A meeting held by operations director Bryn Cunningham on Thursday night with season ticket holders was punctuated by calls for Logan's own absence to be explained, with the reason given that it was an event that had been planned long before the recent tumult hastened a slide towards mediocrity.

The answer to the unrest, it appears, was Ulster's very own version of a 'Friday news dump', where politicians used to cross their fingers that unpalatable stories slipped out at the start of the weekend would have lost momentum by Monday morning.

Ulster's box-ticking interview with Logan, conducted by the club themselves, was released on their social media channels at 5pm on a Saturday evening. Just as Ireland happened to be in the process of clinching a Six Nations title.

Quite how whoever made the decision on the timing of the release thought it would slip under the radar remains anyone's guess. Quite how a scripted answering of your own questions, with no opportunity for your assertions to be challenged, is seen as an answer to accusations over a lack of accountability is another mystery. Both insult the intelligence of supporters. They deserve better from an organisation who supposedly need them now more than ever. For their voice to be heard, there is one uncomfortable truth for a loyal fan base... it's your money that talks. Even if club officials only do when and how it suits them.

Meanwhile, Ulster are believed to be weighing up signing Fijian utility back Metuisela Talebula from Bordeaux-Begles until the end of the season. A similar move for former All Black Stephen Donald fell through in January.
Keep it coming Bradley

Re: Logan must go

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 8:00 pm
by TopPoster