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Re: Film Review Section *** NEW ***

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 11:48 pm
by fuzzylogic
Well . . . the night wasnt quite as planned, the future Mrs Logic recieves 10/10 tho :D :D :D

Re: Film Review Section *** NEW ***

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:17 am
by ColinM
Why was it not "as planned"?

You were home very early for a 10/10 :wink:

Re: Film Review Section *** NEW ***

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:37 pm
by fuzzylogic
I didnt even leave the house, I rang to say I was leaving and she ended up coming round to mine, beer in hand, and we didnt watch the girly dvd :D Thats were the plan failed!

Re: Film Review Section *** NEW ***

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:50 pm
by HwoodMike2umate
well its Cheap Tuesday @ Oddessey 2nite (still only £2.50 - beats £6 @ Dundonald - or sometimes £9 if u want a comfy seat apparently) so itsoff 2 c "Revolutionary Road". Usual authorative & informative review will be scrolled 4 yer benefit 2morrow. Anyone seen it yet?

Re: Film Review Section *** NEW ***

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:04 pm
by HwoodMike2umate
"Revolutionary Road" saw it @ Cheap Tuesday last nite - well the leaflet in the cinema foyer sums it up reasonably well . Leonardo & Kate going thu the motions as - "A young couple living in a Connecticut suburb during the 1950's struggle to come to terms with their personal problems while trying to raise their two children". Except the children (thankfully) merit bout a total of 2 minutes screen time out of 120 mins. Basically both actors showing that married couples can argue bout anything (been there, done it!). Performance i liked most was Kathy Bates - who was with these 2 back in Titanic - but my favourite film of hers is Misery (1990). Hadnt read the book (by Richard Yates in 1961) but if none of u can lend it 2 me i mite see if Holywood library has it in stock. I do prefer sad endings - they seem so rare in films - but it wasn't sad enough 2 have wee jane crying. Film is worth seeing but not one of those films u walk out of sayin oh the bit i enjoyed most was, or wasnt so & so brilliant. Merely said to wee jane - we must go 2 Paris soon.

Ps read a page in the Sunday Times Culture section (that rather sadly is often my cultural highlight of the week) last sunday on female writers. Film called Baise-moi (2000) sounds a good way to while away a snowy saturday afternoon - anyone got it? They tried to ban it in Australia of all places.

Re: Film Review Section *** NEW ***

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 5:31 am
by fuzzylogic
Cant sleep and not in uni tomorrow so just watched In Bruge and what can I say, dispite the dark topic this film is about I thought it was absolutly hillarious, ive never seen Colin Farrell (apart from that 1 Scrubs episode) or Brendan Gleeson in comedy roles and I must say I was very impressed and as for Ralph Fiennes as the slightly odd/disturbed Harry Waters. Brilliant!

A definite must see for everyone who genuinally wants a bit of light entertainment and a laugh with a few guns and punch ups thrown into the mix!

Re: Film Review Section *** NEW ***

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:34 pm
by Shan
H'Wood Mike2umate wrote:
Ps read a page in the Sunday Times Culture section (that rather sadly is often my cultural highlight of the week) last sunday on female writers. Film called Baise-moi (2000) sounds a good way to while away a snowy saturday afternoon - anyone got it? They tried to ban it in Australia of all places.
Banned in Ireland too I think.I saw this a few years ago and I wasn't impressed.I don't think there was much of a storyline.Just some graphic sex of the kind which isn't particularly appealing unless you enjoy sexual violence.The title translates as "rape me" which gives an indication of some of the sex scenes.They used Adult entertainment "actresses" as well to ensure the no holds barred approach I guess.Perhaps the fact it's in French means you don't notice the bad acting as much as you would, unless you're a fluent French speaker I guess.I think some "cool people" like to think this movie is some kind of feminist statement or whatever but it just has the look of b-movie married with low grade porn.

One thing I will say though is I watched this on a very poor quality DVD which may have influenced my opinion somewhat.

I would recommend Irreversible as a much better French movie.It is strange and a bit heavy but a far better movie than Baise-Moi.

Re: Film Review Section *** NEW ***

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:08 am
by fuzzylogic
If your into Baise-Moi I think you may also enjoy 9 Songs, its the same content really only less of the violence. Basically a porno wih an amazing soundtrack.

But back to the review I came on here to give.

Just returned from seeing My Bloody Valentine 3D. Where to begin with this one. Possibly theworst horror film ever made in the fact its completly unscary and actually rather funny, but its a definite must see because of the Real D filming (fancy new 3D) There actually are times in the film where you do have to cover your eyes because you truly believe things are coming at you and I caught myself a time or 2 also trying to reach out and touch things! Gone are the days of crappy plastic and paper 3d specs too, every man in the cinema looked like Roy Orbison such is the shape and colour of the glasses!

My rating, a terrible film but a must see just to experience the 3D. And you wont beleive the ending when it jumps up and bites you in the ass!

Re: Film Review Section *** NEW ***

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:29 am
by Jackie Brown
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Only curious thing about this movie is how it has been tipped for Oscars. 3hrs of my life I won't get back, bored to tears by the end of it, Mrs Jackie Brown fell asleep at one point. Don't waste your time, even on a Crazy Tuesday.

Re: Film Review Section *** NEW ***

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:28 pm
by ColinS
Went to see Slumdog Millionaire on Valentines Night.
Enjoyable enough film, nice gritty scenes. Decent storyline, with everything well linked in. Worth watching
Stars (out of 5):

THAT'S WHAT WE NEED! A star rating system :)

Re: Film Review Section *** NEW ***

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:21 am
by HwoodMike2umate
well thanks to a fello messageboarder i now have the dubious privilege of possessing a DVD of "Baise-moi" (2000).
Shan (above) summed the film up quite well so all i'll add is that it isnt really worth setting aside the time to watch but if yer ironing or something then its hardly time wasted. I wud point out that some of the male body parts were enough to give me an inferiority complex but thankfully wee jane wasnt watching so she doesnt no whot she is missing out on.
I'll bring it along to the Glasgow game on the 7th shud anyone want to borrow it - unless i can flog it to some schoolkids at
the Campbell v Methody game on saturday - i imagine its the sort of thing that may appeal to boarders of either school.

and i'll follow Colin's star suggestion and give it * .

Re: Film Review Section *** NEW ***

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 11:46 am
by fuzzylogic
Small biceps then Mike :lol:

Re: Film Review Section *** NEW ***

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:40 pm
by HwoodMike2umate
The Reader - is still on in Moviehouse Yorkgate - Cheap Tuesdays £3 - ok its 50p more than Cheap Tuesday @ the Oddessey - but the Reader is not on any more in the Oddessey - and the cinema was packed.

Well twas bit different than whot i was expecting. No flashbacks to the war. Sad ending - which u get so rarely these days.
And i suggest u bring along yer randy teenage sons and they will learn 2 remember to ask any older women they ever date in their lives for a full and comprehensive CV before bedding them.

Whilst twas a good film i fail 2 c whot all the Oscars were 4.

Stars ***

Re: Film Review Section *** NEW ***

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:40 pm
by fuzzylogic
And i suggest u bring along yer randy teenage sons and they will learn 2 remember to ask any older women they ever date in their lives for a full and comprehensive CV before bedding them.
The Fuzz may have a little skim through this film and see if he can find out what that means.

On another note found this site to watch free movies at home, all stream and buffer fairly quickly so theres no downloading and no chance of being nabbed by "the man" for illegal d/ling.
Check out and have a little look in the forums, the DIVX are as expected all perfect quality not too many dodgey cams about. I know theres plenty of these sites about but this is by far the best ive came across. Sorry mods if i shouldnt be doing this, feel free to delete and give me a slap on the wrist.

Re: Film Review Section *** NEW ***

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:34 pm
by darkside lightside
can i just make a pedant's corner entry here, in passing - 'Baise-moi' means 'f@#k me' not 'rape me' (although in the context of this film from what i understand of it, the distinction might be slight..) I haven't seen it or Irreversible, although I love Vincent Kassel and Monica Bellucci (who are a real-life couple I think)

I must agree with fuzzy about In Bruges, I thought it was class, with a good performance even from Farrell (!!!) and probably the funniest racist-dwarf/prostitutes/drugs scene I've ever seen