So what exactly are your doubts about Kiss?
Apart from a few minor selection issues which may have cost us a couple of points here and there... what has Kiss done to give anyone cause for concern?
Support the Team, not the regime Guinness is Good For You.
I cant recall the names of the miscreants who espoused dropping Rory Best and making Herring captain within the last two years. At the time I swore I would remember the names for the purpose of shaming them - for verily there were more than yin or twa - however that ship has sailed and if they keep their heads down and make no further transgressions of arsefoonary , i shan't bother researching who needs to be exposed.
The arsewipes probably know who they are.
I firmly believe that Rory gave up in despair at d'RDS last May, that he was just fed up with failure after failure with the same failed coaches retained year after stuttering failed year, apparently untouchable. Who knows what is in store for us, I hope it will give our finest warrior some renewed hope.
NEVER MOVE ON. Years on, I cannot ever watch Ireland with anything but indifference, I continue to wish for the imminent death of Donal Spring, the FIRFUC's executioner of Wee Paddy & Wee Stu, and I hate the FIRFUCs with undiminished passion.
I suspect you are correct Baggy. We know Rory is committed to the Ulster cause perhaps more than anyone. Yet he looks a different person when in the green of Ireland. Doubtless he notices the differences between the two sets of coaches.
Soldiers who wanna be heroes number practically zero, but there are millions who wanna be civilians