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Pre match scran plummeting from bad to worse!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 2:22 pm
by Cornerfleg
Being an old fart, I remember the good old days when a curried chip at Ravers would have fed a small village in Africa for a month and I sometimes shed a tear when I mind being able to get a scoop or two of Guinness before myself my da and a dog watched the men in white take on anything that came here.

Now we have a new stand which is comfortable and keeps us dry ... the old days huddling under Gushers wooden shack as the wind and rain blew a gale round yer bits and pieces are a thing of the past, we have a great wee team, and once we get rid of them feckin bats we can have a great wee ground.

Alas I have found over the years a subtle erosion of the quality of prematch scran, this season has not started well ... Take the Glasgow match, I got my eye wiped feeding the Mrs Fleg and Fleglettes before kick off with a collection of items that bore only a passing resemblance too burgers and chips, a nodding acquaintance may be more accurate. I personally know people who at knife point in New York got a better deal. Last week I attempted to find solace and redemption in a ‘chicken burger’ ... I was once again taken for a ride by a friendly mugger in a van who extracted a large amount of cash from my wallet for what looked like a bap surrounding this months poultry award winning weight watcher. I used to champion the quality of the curry on our chips at Ravers at various other grounds I’ve been to in the support of the team … but nowadays the liquid they poor over the emaciated potato they used in the preparation of the aforementioned ‘chip’ has about as much in common with actual curry as Malcolm Changlang has in common with an IRB rule book. I stay well away from curried chips at Ravers now … it only ends in tears.

Then on Friday I was led by old habits to the beer tent were I handed over 8 quid for 2 Bulmers - I thought this was a bit steep especially after having tried and failed to extinguish my hunger by the Ethiopian diet rations I got mugged for by a friendly wee woman in a van, but they managed to dupe me once again into parting with said 8 notes by saying the alternative was Heineken or worse, if such a thing is possible, some black ditch water going by the name of Murphys.

I put it to the great unwashed of the UAFC - we are being exploited worse than the Samoan rugby team by charlatans and highwaymen in Burger vans.

The only redeeming feature about the 7 o'clock ko is that you can pick up some decent scran on the way home before one passes out on the road.

Re: Pre match scran plummeting from bad to worse!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 2:27 pm
by AyeYerMa
Methinks the change in sponsorship of the league has trickled down to the beer tent. The cider has gone from being one of, if not the, cheapest pint in Belfast to be one of the more expensive over the summer.

Not that it stops me mind you.

As regards food, I like a kebab, and there aren't any! Fortunately there's one or two suitable establishments on the road home.

Re: Pre match scran plummeting from bad to worse!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:07 pm
by OneMore
You gents must be fiercer men than I. If I didn't eat until after the final whistle, I'd be dead.

Re: Pre match scran plummeting from bad to worse!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:18 pm
by rocky
I think the burgers are pretty good. Am I being blinded by my rose-tinted specs?

Re: Pre match scran plummeting from bad to worse!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:27 pm
by Rooster
rocky wrote:I think the burgers are pretty good. Am I being blinded by my rose-tinted specs?
Each to their own rocky but personally I thought they were rather crap

Re: Pre match scran plummeting from bad to worse!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:07 pm
by nonplussed
thon hot dogs are wild daycent and the murphys goes down a treat when the chance arises.

Re: Pre match scran plummeting from bad to worse!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:41 pm
by notj
I never eat at the ground. But I can see why you might if you didn't get off work until 6 or something. Judging by traffic patterns in Belfast this isn't too many people on a Friday! Poets day.

If a friend found himself in that situation I would advise him to bring a few sandwiches, or perhaps a well filled baguette, and have a larger meal when he gets home. This is in the interests of value for money.

Re: Pre match scran plummeting from bad to worse!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:50 pm
by theCloudSpotter
nonplussed wrote:thon hot dogs are wild daycent and the murphys goes down a treat when the chance arises.
:thumleft: +1

Re: Pre match scran plummeting from bad to worse!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:11 pm
by shamalicious
The crepes are nice but messy!

I love a good crepe :lol:

Re: Pre match scran plummeting from bad to worse!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:28 pm
by Rooster
Cornerfleg wrote:Last week I attempted to find solace and redemption in a ‘chicken burger’ ... I was once again taken for a ride by a friendly mugger in a van who extracted a large amount of cash from my wallet for what looked like a bap surrounding this months poultry award winning weight watcher.
fleg stop at The Bethany on the N'ards rd on the way home, best chicken burgers in town, if not the province.

Fod out of vans is never as good as you get in a take away, have to turn out too much too quickly.

Re: Pre match scran plummeting from bad to worse!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:37 pm
by bangorboy
Fish supper from Eddie Spences for me!!!!

None better in the town I reckon

Re: Pre match scran plummeting from bad to worse!

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:28 pm
by BaggyTrousers
Rooster wrote:
Cornerfleg wrote:Last week I attempted to find solace and redemption in a ‘chicken burger’ ... I was once again taken for a ride by a friendly mugger in a van who extracted a large amount of cash from my wallet for what looked like a bap surrounding this months poultry award winning weight watcher.
fleg stop at The Bethany on the N'ards rd on the way home, best chicken burgers in town, if not the province.

Food out of vans is never as good as you get in a take away, have to turn out too much too quickly.
More bizarre as the weeks go by, Rooster yet again displaying knowledge only available through hacking into the MI5 computer base actually gives Fleg instructions as to the best carryouts "on your way home." Scary.

Actually due to a long winded phone call I attended the Hill in a manner that my beer-gut thought my thoat was cut in seveerial places. For the first time in ages I had, like Rocky, a burger and chips. £5.50 exchanged hands which I consider not extortionate but steep given the paltry portion of smash turned into chips. Like Rocky, I too thought it filled a gap without being vile but then I am quite skillful at eating such things without contemplating the parts of the cow that go into the patty.

Re: Pre match scran plummeting from bad to worse!

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:21 pm
by rocky
Yes, that's the trick when eating such foodstuffs - just use the baser instincts. Real thoughts about the food are always a mistake.


Re: Pre match scran plummeting from bad to worse!

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:39 pm
Baga- You involved in a long winded phone conversation? I must say I find that very hard to believe :shock:

Re: Pre match scran plummeting from bad to worse!

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:31 pm
by BaggyTrousers
GMAC wrote:Baga- You involved in a long winded phone conversation? I must say I find that very hard to believe :shock:

Family member GMAC - no further explanation should be required but here is a wee educational hint anyway.

Do you know why Chicago is called "The Windy City"? Nothing to do with winds howling in of that ill named "lake", more properly it should be termed an inland sea - its bloody massive, anyway I digress.

As you will doubtless know there was a huge fire in Chicago around 1855 but I haven't checked the date. It destroyed about 75% of the city's housing stock and wiped out most of the commercial area. Appeals for aid from Washington were so prolonged and vociferous and the congressmen were so verbose that they were said to be windy, as in long-winded and the rest is history. Nothing to do with wind, all to do with talking too much, speaking of which - farewell.

Oh well, may as well finish, they were successful in their appeals and scenting riches architects from all over the USA rocked up to Illinois to compete for work and outdo each other for grandure, something the profession have been doing ever since, hence Chicago's much varied and spectacular city-scape, best enjoyed with a boat trip on the Chicago River.

By the way did you know that the Chicago River was one of the first rivers to have the direction of its flow reversed in a major city? Flows away from the lake :shock: . Ain't that a wonderment.

OK I'm off.