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Will Ulster be wearing Poppies

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 8:02 pm
by Cockatrice
Excuse me if discussed elsewhere....... but what is the HEC position regarding emblems on shirts and for that matter will Ulster or any others teams be wearing Poppies on their shirts this weekend as a mark of remembrance.

The 4 Nation matches this weekend will see all teams wear poppies on their shirts and FIFA has come up with a solution to facilitate the English FA with them being worn into the armbands.

Anyone know the position....

Re: Will Ulster be wearing Poppies

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 8:22 pm
by BaggyTrousers
Would very much doubt that we have the cash to splash on a unique set of jumpers much as I would have every sympathy for the notion having been a poppy seller in me Ma's company more than 50 years ago.

Re: Will Ulster be wearing Poppies

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:07 pm
by Snipe Watson

Re: Will Ulster be wearing Poppies

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:28 pm
by moondance
It used to be the custom every year that at the game closest to 11 November, a wreath was layed on behalf of the Ulster Branch at the War Memorial Arch and a minutes silence was observed before kickoff.

A practice which has sadly been dropped.

Will Ulster be wearing Poppies

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:12 am
by rocky
A wreath-laying ceremony was held yesterday evening at the War Memorial before the Ulster Branch committee meeting.

Re: Will Ulster be wearing Poppies

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 9:39 am
by Rooster
YoungMan wrote:In the dark with no one around to be offended.....................solid
Similar to a Ravens match then :shock:
Will be interesting to see what other teams do on the Friday matches especially.

Re: Will Ulster be wearing Poppies

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:11 am
by rocky
Why would anyone be offended, youngman? And would you rather it didn't happen at all? Anyway isn't it a personal thing, how anyone chooses to do their remembering?

Re: Will Ulster be wearing Poppies

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:28 am
by mikerob
rocky wrote:Anyway isn't it a personal thing, how anyone chooses to do their remembering?
100% agree... choosing what charity or cause to support should be an individual choice. There seems to be an increasing meeja-driven witchhunt from the Daily Mail and the like seeking to shame everyone and everything that doesn't toe their line regarding poppies.

Re: Will Ulster be wearing Poppies

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:31 am
by ColinM
rocky wrote:Why would anyone be offended
Some people choose to be offended at many things.

Re: Will Ulster be wearing Poppies

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 10:55 am
by Rooster
ColinM wrote:
rocky wrote:Why would anyone be offended
Some people choose to be offended at many things.
One good thing about Americans is they have a term for those type of people, ASSHOLES

Re: Will Ulster be wearing Poppies

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:48 pm
by darkside lightside
rocky wrote:Anyway isn't it a personal thing, how anyone chooses to do their remembering?
i agree..

Re: Will Ulster be wearing Poppies

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:53 pm
by BaggyTrousers
It is a matter of personal choice whether one chooses to wear a poppy, I do, however it is my considered opinion that anyone attending a match on the 12th at Ravenhill would be nothing short of a ballbeg to raise objections to a minutes silence.

Personally I have a problem with guff about "ultimate sacrifice" because, as a general statement, the majority of 1st WW dead in particular were sacrificed rather than made any conscious act of sacrifice. That gives me the horrors when I hear this vainglorious tosh spouted about those poor souls who had no choice in the matter.

That said, I absolutely believe that respect for them is nothing short of their due.

I also wonder why Ulster Branch would choose to lay a wreath on 9th November when if they wanted to do it on the QT why not simply do it at 11am of Friday 11th, clearly the most appropriate time if you are making a "private" event out of it.

Furthermore, should they have wished to avoid any possibility of "offending" some creep, they could have put notice of it on the website for those of us who would have made a voluntary attempt to get there. Bingo - no halfwit able to complain about having it foisted upon them.

When on a roll, I am fed up to the back teeth of this puerile PC crap about "fear" of offending people, there are no shortage of all varieties of fool of every colour creed & kind, just ready , willing & able waiting to be offended on every street corner. We diminish ourselves by taking every malcontents "issues" into account. :puker:

Concerned Poppy Wearer of Bangor

Re: Will Ulster be wearing Poppies

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:17 pm
by OneMore
I generally agree Baggy. As someone who tends not to wear a poppy, I have absolutely no objection to people remembering the war-dead in whatever manner they please. In general I like the practice of minute's silences - an opportunity to reflect on the subject of the silence (be that military or otherwise).

Not wearing a symbolic flower does not take away from one's ability to remember. And some people wear the symbolic flower to nail their colours to a political mast (let's not pretend otherwise). Likewise some people wear the flower to help them remember. And some people refuse to wear a poppy, in order to nail their colours to a political mast.

There are no absolutes in this topic. For each person to decide for themselves.

Re: Will Ulster be wearing Poppies

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:33 pm
by rocky
Baggy, the reason it was on Tuesday is because the Branch committee meets on the second Tuesday of the month so the ceremony is held on that day in November - the closest to the 11th (and occasionally on the 11th). Simple as that. I'm not a poppy wearer but I agree with all that you say and agree totally that a minute's silence as a mark of respect would be entirely appropriate. I really doubt that anyone would object to that.

Re: Will Ulster be wearing Poppies

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:23 pm
by BaggyTrousers
Well that explains that one Rocky, cheers.

Don't disagree with one word of that Yin, the reason I buy poppies, usually a few each year as I lose them regularly, is that I know the money raised is well used by the British Legion mainly to support old soldiers who find it tough to look after themselves. Each to their own, its something I was brought up with, participated in as a seller, understand the roots of it and ongoing need for it. If only it were not needed I'd be happier.

As an aside, despite what some would see as a dichotemy, I've also worn the white poppy and believe the treatment Britain meted out to conscientious objectors is a blot on its record. Another reason why I hate the hypocrisy around "our glorious dead" - they hadn't much of a choice.