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For sale: one pot purple paint...

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 3:00 pm
by darkside lightside razor; one tube soothing balm, unopened

:) :red:

Re: For sale: one pot purple paint...

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:57 am
by Mac
darkside lightside razor; one tube soothing balm, unopened

:) :red:
Can we take it that you arrived down early to >TB DKside :drunken:

Re: For sale: one pot purple paint...

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:56 pm
by darkside lightside
to anybody getting het up about Paddy, Henry & Pedrie - if any of them fail to trot out onto the pitch on Saturday, the purple paint and cut throat razor will be coming out again!

Re: For sale: one pot purple paint...

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:17 pm
by Snipe Watson
C’mon chaps, let’s get a few more Pedrie avatars up there

Re: For sale: one pot purple paint...

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:18 pm
by Big Nose
Snipe Watson wrote:C’mon chaps, let’s get a few more Pedrie avatars up there

Re: For sale: one pot purple paint...

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:47 am
by Muddy Bless
oh fer crying out loud....I give up.... what is this topic all about?

Re: For sale: one pot purple paint...

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:27 am
by Duckjnr
Muddy Bless wrote:oh fer crying out loud....I give up.... what is this topic all about?

Re: For sale: one pot purple paint...

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:57 am
by Cap'n Grumpy
Everytime [insert name of injured player(s)] is being talked about as doubtful for "the big match", someone will say they will paint their balls purple and hang upside down from a rhubarb tree or something like that if [insert name of player(s)] doesn't play in said big match.

Then when [insert name] does play, the pot of paint is put up for sale, only to be brought out again (metaphorically) next time we have an injury before the next big match.

Last time it was Ferris/Munster, this time ....... well, you get the idea.

However, I suspect there isn't really a pot of purple paint readily available, and it's not really for sale - false advertising really :roll:

If DS/LS really does have a pot of purple paint, he could at least draw a little stick man and label it "Pedrie" and put it in his avatar :lol:

Re: For sale: one pot purple paint...

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:15 am
by Muddy Bless
I had hoped it was going to be funnier...... nevertheless cheers for the enlightenment :salut:

Re: For sale: one pot purple paint...

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:20 am
by Cap'n Grumpy
Muddy Bless wrote:I had hoped it was going to be funnier...... nevertheless cheers for the enlightenment :salut:
Perhaps the truth is actually funnier - what I wrote is a total guess as I couldn't be bothered going looking for evidence of the above :lol:

Nevertheless, I suspect it is not far from the truth (apart from the rhubarb tree - everyone knows that rhubarb doesn't grow on trees - it is extracted from rhubarb rock). I might even go so far as to say if I am wildly out on my guess, I would be prepared to paint my ba ........... nah, let's not go there ....... again :roll:

And just for DS/LS - see below :wink:

Re: For sale: one pot purple paint...

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:27 am
by Muddy Bless
I repeat....Oh fer crying out loud.... what is this topic all about?

and can it please be funny?

Re: For sale: one pot purple paint...

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:29 am
by Cap'n Grumpy
Muddy Bless wrote:I repeat....Oh fer crying out loud.... what is this topic all about?

and can it please be funny?

Re: For sale: one pot purple paint...

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:46 am
by big mervyn
This metaphorical paint - what's the coverage like?

Re: For sale: one pot purple paint...

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:52 am
by darkside lightside
Muddy Bless wrote:I repeat....Oh fer crying out loud.... what is this topic all about?

and can it please be funny?
afraid not :D it's just that I didn't completely buy the Ferris injury the week before the Munster game, it was just such a perfect story for the press to obsess about in the run-up to the QF, and the perfect boost for Munster/hope-dasher for Ulster. In the interests of 'putting my money where my mouth was' I pledged to use the above listed items on the old 'two veg' and sit in a plum tree :D as expected, Stevie trotted out at Thomond, and my nether regions were safe and remain unshaven and their rightful hue to this day :cheers:

likewise the procession of first half injuries against Leinster was a bit much for me - I'm not saying that McL was masterminding some kind of campaign of simulation and fabrication during the Leinster match, but my guess is that before the match they said to the players that they wouldn't take any risks, so if anyone felt a tweak, even one that they'd usually play on through, not to be shy to call the physio on - and if they decide to leave the pitch, to be sure to accompany it with a grimace or two, a bit of a limp, and then to sit on the touchline looking ostentatiously concerned, with strapping on etc. So I say all the guys who left the pitch against Leinster will start on Saturday - and if not you know what happens

Re: For sale: one pot purple paint...

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:53 am
by Cap'n Grumpy
big mervyn wrote:This metaphorical paint - what's the coverage like?
Probably not great - it's only to be used for a balls-up!

Glad you liked the avatar DS :lol: