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Match Preview: Benetton Rugby Treviso vs. Ulster Rugby

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 2:17 pm
by ADM
[tag=image][/tag][tag=content]If this is to be the last season of the Heineken Cup, then it’s certainly going out with a bang. Full credit to Connacht – no-one gave them a hope of going to the Stade Ernest Wallon and getting a result, and then of course there was Leinster’s incredible 40-7 win at Franklin’s Gardens on Saturday night. Only the Heineken Cup can provide that kind of drama.

And then, don’t forget our result either. By far the largest winning margin of the weekend, and nilling a side is always a positive, regardless of the quality of the opposition. Admittedly, Treviso weren’t exactly brilliant last week, but we had to do a lot of defending early on in the second half and had our defence not been as good as it was then the visitors would at least have had one consolation score, if not two.

This week is about staying focussed for the full eighty rather than drifting in and out of the game. We know that we’re good enough to beat Treviso, and by quite a considerable margin too. If we play like we did last Saturday then we should return to Belfast with another five points, and one foot in the knock-out stages for the fourth season running.

However, we of all teams know that you cannot underestimate your opponents, even if you’ve hammered them the week before. I won’t go into any detail of what was a very unmemorable match last season, but I would like to hope we’ve learnt our lesson – no game is won until we’ve won it. And this week we have to keep our unbeaten run going to stand the best chance of getting into the knock-outs and, more importantly, getting a home quarter-final at Ravenhill.

However, despite their shortcomings last Saturday, this Saturday will be a different proposition. Not only are Treviso in front of their home fans this weekend, but it is coach Franco Smith’s last game in charge of the Italians, and no doubt they will want to send him off on a high note. This weekend it will be much harder for us to get the four tries.

With Montpellier and Leicester facing off on Sunday after our game, we could put a lot of pressure on the English side with a big win. It would put pressure on them to win in Montpellier – a tough ask, but not impossible as we have proven. If we managed to get the four points it would make the Tigers’ job in France just that little bit harder.

You know how the saying goes: “Why fix what ain’t broke?” In that vein, Mark Anscombe has named the same twenty-three from last weekend. Despite his comments this week that his groin injury was still causing him some discomfort, Jared Payne will once again start at full-back, with Johann Muller also continuing as captain at lock.

Franco Smith has made four changes for his final match in charge of Treviso. Brendan Williams returns to full-back with Luke McLean switching to wing and Angelo Esposito dropping out of the squad altogether. Alberto di Bernardo is given the nod at out-half over Mat Berquist. In the forwards Alberto de Marchi is replaced by Michele Rizzo at loosehead prop, while Manoa Vosawai returns from injury to start at openside flanker ahead of Dean Budd.

Many people are assuming we will win this game easily, however Anscombe and his men will know that they have to win this game first before going for the bonus point. However, if we can carry over our form from last week to this week then there’s no reason why we can’t be heading into the January matches with eighteen points already on the board.

That’s what we have to aim for, now let’s go and get it.

Benetton Rugby Treviso vs. Ulster Rugby
Saturday 14th December, 13:35
Stadio di Monigo
Heineken Cup – Round Four

15. Brendan Williams, 14. Ludovico Nitoglia, 13. Michele Campagnaro, 12. Alberto Sgarbi, 11. Luke McLean, 10. Alberto di Bernardo, 9. Edoardo Gori; 1. Michele Rizzo, 2. Leonardo Ghiraldini, 3. Lorenzo Cittadini, 4. Antonio Pavanello (c), 5. Corniel van Zyl, 6. Alessandro Zanni, 7. Manoa Vosawai, 8. Robert Barbieri.

16. Giovanni Maistri, 17. Alberto de Marchi, 18. Ignacio Fernandez-Rouyet, 19. Valerio Bernabo, 20. Dean Budd, 21. Paul Derbyshire, 22. Tobias Botes, 23. James Ambrosini.

15. Jared Payne, 14. Andrew Trimble, 13. Darren Cave, 12. Luke Marshall, 11. Craig Gilroy, 10. Paddy Jackson, 9. Ruan Pienaar; 1. Tom Court, 2. Rob Herring, 3. John Afoa, 4. Johann Muller (c), 5. Dan Tuohy, 6. Robbie Diack, 7. Sean Doyle, 8. Roger Wilson.

16. Niall Annett, 17. Callum Black, 18. Declan Fitzpatrick, 19. Neil McComb, 20. Mike McComish, 21. Paul Marshall, 22. Michael Allen, 23. David McIlwaine.

Referee: Greg Garner (RFU)
Assistant Referees: Steve Lee, Roy Maybank (both RFU)
TMO: Trevor Fisher (RFU)[/tag]