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Dear Ruckie

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 4:33 pm
by BaggyTrousers
You and I have been acquainted for a while now. We may not share the same thoughts on all things but I consider you very much better than the tripe that some would associate you with such as this "article" by a colleague of yours: ... 79249.html

The author has not even bothered to get his facts right, he suggests that the WhatsApp messages were between Olding and Jackson whereas not only was it within a wider group, including CG, but as far as I can see, the only contribution from Jackson that could be considered even vaguely misogynistic is "there was a lot of spit".

Therefore as one of us and well as one of them, is it too much to ask you to check things out with your colleague with a view to determining the following:

1) Is he aware that Jackson made any comment more heinous than the above?

2) in commenting on the advert, did he carry out any due diligence on what each individual player actually posted or did he take these "concerned fans" diatribe as gospel, sounded right, ummm .........errrr, ............ whaddyeyeno?

3) Did he at any stage make any attempt to discover whether people who signed themselves "Concerned Fans", are in fact rugby fans, have ever attended a rugby match, or have any prior experience of Ulster or Irish rugby that could even remotely allow them to qualify them as fans?

Maybe you would do me a favour Adam and ask him is he proud of his piece and does he or the Belfast Telegraph have an agenda here?

You might also tell him that the 139 concerned fans pale into insignificance against the current petition demanding the immediate reinstatement of both players by a total of 8335 confirmed emails currently to my great joy including a very significant proportion of whom are women. 8363 now.

Would you also ensure that your paper actually bothers to mention this huge level of support and in addition that the HON SEC of URSC who you and I know to be an honourable man, has confirmed that not a single member of URSC has contacted them to demand the player's exclusion?

I write to you with this matter because I thought you might like to be on the right side of history.

Re: Dear Ruckie

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 4:47 pm
by Cap'n Grumpy
Below is what I sent directly to the Belfast Telegraph.

I have no desire to tar Ruckie with this brush.
I wish to question whether the Belfast Telegraph makes any effort to verify claims made in adverts taken out in your newspaper, especially controversial adverts which call on organisations to ruin the lives and careers of their employees?

I refer to the advert calling on the IRFU and Ulster Rugby to never select Paddy Jackson or Stuart Olding for Ireland or Ulster ever again, effectively ending their professional careers and adversely affecting their livelihoods.

As you will know only too well, both these men were cleared of any criminal activity in court only a short time ago but are now being tried again by social justice warriors who appear to take no cognisance of the facts which came out in the trial which cleared them. For example, they cite Paddy Jackson's participation in a Whatsapp chat, and yet as was brought out in court, he only contributed once to the conversations talked about, and many would say that his language was much more controlled than others who are apparently held in higher esteem and believed by these social justice warriors.

My other complaint is that the advert purports to come from "concerned fans" without any evidence whatsoever that these people even follow rugby, Ireland or Ulster. I strongly suspect they do not and are more interested in embarrassing and damaging them. Can you tell me if you verify the claims in the advert, or do you just take the money without concern about who it may hurt?

I hope for your sake that the money you took for that advert recompenses you for the fall in circulation I suspect you will experience because of it. Actually, I don't hope that at all. Whether your circulation falls because of such unscrupulous dealings or not, I do hope you will think twice in the future before accepting such adverts.

Re: Dear Ruckie

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:03 pm
by ColinM
Baggy I am not sure CGs messages were indeed on a group chat rather they may have been sent privately to a single individual

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Re: Dear Ruckie

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:12 pm
by Jackie Brown
ColinM wrote:Baggy I am not sure CGs messages were indeed on a group chat rather they may have been sent privately to a single individual

Sent from my Swift 2 Plus using Tapatalk
No CGs were sent privately to Olding

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Re: Dear Ruckie

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:13 pm
by Jackie Brown
My email to the Bel Tel last Friday,

Can I just say how disgusted I am by your front page today (Friday 6th April).  Is this what newspapers do these days?  Create and push their own news stories.

Was any research done into whether the 141 funders are an accurate representation of Ulster supporters or Season Ticket holders?  From what I have discovered through my own research it was created and funded by people with an agenda who aren't even based in Northern Ireland.

From a straw poll of local supporters people are disappointed with the guys but looking forward to welcoming them back.  Maybe you could do something similar at the next home game (13th April) to see how the support base really feel?

Otherwise I hope sorry excuse for journalism never darkens the memorial arch again

J Brown

Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

Re: Dear Ruckie

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:45 pm
by Tender
That Stunt was definitely ill judged by the Bellylaugh. A once average newspaper has now lowered itself to the Sunday Star type of guttershyte journalism and I hope the few remaining readers it has clung onto, see this stunt for exactly what it was.

Will they print a counter story on the petition of support?
Will they address a single point raised above?
I won’t hold my breath and I hope this rag dies on its hole.
I wouldn’t use it to line the bottom of my bins.

Re: Dear Ruckie

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:53 pm
by Snipe Watson
Tender wrote:That Stunt was definitely ill judged by the Bellylaugh. A once average newspaper has now lowered itself to the Sunday Star type of guttershyte journalism and I hope the few remaining readers it has clung onto, see this stunt for exactly what it was.

Will they print a counter story on the petition of support?
Will they address a single point raised above?
I won’t hold my breath and I hope this rag dies on its hole.
I wouldn’t use it to line the bottom of my bins.
I think you're crediting them with a level of conviction that I don't think they possess. They'll publish any old crap they can find to keep the story smouldering. They are proper bottom feeding opportunists.

Re: Dear Ruckie

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:57 pm
by Rooster
I thought it was funny them taking the ad then writing their own piece as well but referring to the wrong Anna Nolan in their article

Re: Dear Ruckie

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:01 pm
by Snipe Watson
Jackie Brown wrote:My email to the Bel Tel last Friday,

Can I just say how disgusted I am by your front page today (Friday 6th April).  Is this what newspapers do these days?  Create and push their own news stories.

Was any research done into whether the 141 funders are an accurate representation of Ulster supporters or Season Ticket holders?  From what I have discovered through my own research it was created and funded by people with an agenda who aren't even based in Northern Ireland.

From a straw poll of local supporters people are disappointed with the guys but looking forward to welcoming them back.  Maybe you could do something similar at the next home game (13th April) to see how the support base really feel?

Otherwise I hope sorry excuse for journalism never darkens the memorial arch again

J Brown

Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
I followed your lead Jackie and informed them that I had no further use for their publication.

Re: Dear Ruckie

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:04 pm
by Snipe Watson
Cap'n Grumpy wrote:Below is what I sent directly to the Belfast Telegraph.

I have no desire to tar Ruckie with this brush.
I wish to question whether the Belfast Telegraph makes any effort to verify claims made in adverts taken out in your newspaper, especially controversial adverts which call on organisations to ruin the lives and careers of their employees?

I refer to the advert calling on the IRFU and Ulster Rugby to never select Paddy Jackson or Stuart Olding for Ireland or Ulster ever again, effectively ending their professional careers and adversely affecting their livelihoods.

As you will know only too well, both these men were cleared of any criminal activity in court only a short time ago but are now being tried again by social justice warriors who appear to take no cognisance of the facts which came out in the trial which cleared them. For example, they cite Paddy Jackson's participation in a Whatsapp chat, and yet as was brought out in court, he only contributed once to the conversations talked about, and many would say that his language was much more controlled than others who are apparently held in higher esteem and believed by these social justice warriors.

My other complaint is that the advert purports to come from "concerned fans" without any evidence whatsoever that these people even follow rugby, Ireland or Ulster. I strongly suspect they do not and are more interested in embarrassing and damaging them. Can you tell me if you verify the claims in the advert, or do you just take the money without concern about who it may hurt?

I hope for your sake that the money you took for that advert recompenses you for the fall in circulation I suspect you will experience because of it. Actually, I don't hope that at all. Whether your circulation falls because of such unscrupulous dealings or not, I do hope you will think twice in the future before accepting such adverts.
Well said sir :salut:
You're so much better when you're not trying to be comedic. >EW :lol:

Re: Dear Ruckie

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:23 pm
by Dave
Yeah fcuk off Ruckie

Re: Dear Ruckie

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:54 pm
by jackthelad
I sent this to the tele.
"I doubt if you can imagine the appalling surprise it was to me last Friday when I was confronted in my paper with an egregious, entirely misleading and hate fuelled advert paid for by a vigilante style group of individuals masquerading as rugby fans. Did anyone at the paper attempt to verify the claim that they were rugby fans at all for I sincerely doubt it. It took me a few keyboard strokes to discover that the 'authors' of this despicable ambush are not even resident in Northern Ireland. Additionally. your organ gave this mini lynch mob free rein to attack two innocent men.

May I point out to you that your paper is responsible for the content that appears for the edification of your readership. I doubt that good practice in any news outlets is to allow a small cadre of anonymous, hate fuelled bigots to destroy the livelihoods of men who have done nothing wrong except engage in ultra-juvenile braggadocio in a highly distasteful and offensive way.. I should also point out that the sum total of Jackson's contribution to the 'conversation' was, "There was a lot of spit."

Is it therefore the view of the editorial staff at theTele. that someone should lose their job and home over those 6 words? If so, where is the editorial vilification of the various bombers, murderers, child molesters, unrepentant religious bigots and fools that strut around Stormont? Entirely missing of late.

The accused have been virtually or even actually bankrupted by this case, their savings drained away, their honour soiled and have lost a full season of their short careers, They have missed out on a Grand Slam, the opportunity of a lifetime. Is it the view of the Belfast Telegraph that these guys should lose their future, They are guilty of no crime but absolutely guilty of bad judgement, They have lived in fear for18 months with the knowledge that a miscarriage of justice could see them jailed for up to 15 years.

Can anyone publish anything in the Tele so long as the money is right? What an appalling place you have come to. It will mean nothing to you that I will no longer support you by purchasing your paper. I will also be publishing this on a number of social media outlets and also sharing it with a number of your advertisers.

At the time of writing this, an online petition calling for the immediate restoration of these men to Ulster Rugby has 11,124 signatures. I think that trumps the pathetic 141 to whom you sold your honour for £2000. Will you try and reclaim the high ground by publishing the actual petition and it's level of support among true rugby fans. Somehow I doubt it."

Re: Dear Ruckie

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:55 pm
by Russ
The Belfast Telegraph can stick their fecking sponsorship up theit hole

Liverpool bucked out The Sun, we can do the same to these bellends

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