Talk about the men in white, and everything Ulster!!

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Post by Columbo »

Sub-title: why are we all so utterly f***ing useless at everything??

One thing that’s now abundantly clear is that Ulster rugby has absolutely no influence in the corridors of power - Logan is a nodding lapdog. So no help was ever coming from that quarter.

I have been despairing a bit in the last few weeks as to where help was ever coming from. While the southern press have been sticking the boot in with abandon, the local press was to all intents and purposes silent - I’m not sure I saw a single editorial or comment piece offering any kind of support. The only ex-players who spoke up were Neil Best and Willie-John - otherwise deafening silence.

And the URSC, while the couple of statements they put out were pretty good, they didn’t even push them out on Twitter...

So back to my question, why are we collectively so useless (I include myself btw)? Imagine these were 2 Munster players, the MRSC would have mobilised early, meeting with the branch, organising petitions and demonstrations, active on social media; a phalanx of ex-players would have been publishing comment pieces in the press asking for a second chance; the CEO would have likely been bending the ear of Browne & co, as well as getting on to his personal contacts in the sponsors. I think it’s very likely that a different result would be arrived at

In fairness the lads who set up the petition and crowd-funded the ad deserve some credit..

Back to the URSC - they’re the only real focal point for fans, and I think it’s very welcome that they have canvassed members about next steps, and hopefully they get a mandate to shake the tree a bit. But I think they need to be a bit more visible, and at the very least push their message out on Twitter with a bit more vigour..
..one more thing
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Post by Snipe Watson »

Quite correct about Logan, he's a compliant employee of the IRFU.

I'm no apologist for the ursc, not a member either, but they are between a rock and a hard place with a membership divided on this issue. It is very difficult to speak on behalf of 900+ members on anything. On this it's virtually impossible.
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Post by Cockatrice »

This one had vanished and now has returned... The URSC is a broad church and is many things to many people.. As they are a closed group I don't see what is being said on social media but what some supporters may have seen for the first time recently is the organisation that is behind these activist groups in terms of getting a message out and how to manipulate social media and push the right buttons etc...

Separately I see little similar protest aimed towards the Irish League footballer dismissed by his English club and currently now playing here whilst his court case is being heard.

Back to the URSC the numbers were higher when it was automatic to all season ticket holders now that choice is separate rather then inclusive. Anyhow what else would the Hond do on a Friday night?

Hopefully the survey will provide a firm direction on this..
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Post by RugbyRegent »

I believe that both the Leinster and Munster supporters clubs are wholly integrated into the provincial set up. They would no more have protested than fly in the air. URSC is independent but beholden to its members. Whatever they come out with on the back of their poll they will face abuse from one side or the other.
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Post by big mervyn »

Social media would indicate that URSC members thinking is broadly in line with UAFC members. There's a lot of anger there and thankfully, less moderation. I'd say the split is 90:10.
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Post by RugbyRegent »

Results are out.......
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Post by damianmcr »


Any news on the Masters prizes.
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Post by damianmcr »

A fortnight ago a newspaper advertisement from supposed “concerned fans” demanded that Paddy Jackson and Stuart Olding should not be reinstated into Ulster and Irish rugby following their acquittal in a recent long running court case. Simultaneously there were media reports that sponsors were of the same view.

In response URSC made a statement suggesting that the overwhelming majority of supporters wanted these players reinstated. URSC suggested that if this was not the case, it could influence supporters when considering season ticket renewals or attendance at Ravenhill. The statement urged fans to get behind the team for the final two home games of the season.

Once the result of that review process was made public on Saturday, URSC was asked by its membership to respond to the revoking of the contracts of Paddy Jackson and Stuart Olding. To aid consideration of this task, URSC contacted its membership to ascertain their views. Members were asked to choose from one of 5 statements that best summed up their feelings.

In total, 390 members responded - some 42% of the Club’s membership – as follows:
A Pleased they are gone, they have brought disgrace to Ulster Rugby. See you on Saturday.
17 (4%)
B Move on, we are a Supporters’ Club and we support the club not individual players. See you on Saturday.
64 (16%)
C Disappointed but not surprised by the outcome. URSC to write to IRFU/Ulster expressing same.
176 (45%)
(NB: many respondents changed “disappointed” to “appalled”).
D Appalled at the outcome – protest at the Glasgow game. See you outside on Saturday.
80 (21%)
E Appalled by the outcome. Boycott Glasgow game. Won’t see you on Saturday.
52 (13%)

The URSC would like to thank members for responding so quickly and in such numbers.

Whilst all options received support, the results show a considerable majority of members were disappointed or appalled by the IRFU/Ulster Rugby sanctions in respect of Paddy Jackson and Stuart Olding.

The URSC Committee has taken note of the poll results and the comments received in tandem.

The Committee also noted that whilst a third of members were appalled and wanted some form of protest, it was the Committee’s view that such action, whilst cathartic and no doubt headline grabbing, would have little impact on the hierarchy of either the IRFU or Ulster Rugby. Protest would also likely adversely affect the remaining playing squad for the last crucial matches of the season and would be disrespectful to players like Tommy Bowe making their final home appearance.

The URSC will therefore be writing to IRFU/Ulster Rugby next week to express members’ considerable dissatisfaction and disgust at the recent turn of events.

This has been a grim period in Ulster Rugby’s justifiably proud history. It has proved horribly divisive and distracting. Whilst some cannot forgive and others certainly won’t forget, it’s now time to move forward. To use our own mantra, it’s now time to SUFTUM. In particular, URSC reiterates its call to supporters to stand as one with the team on Saturday.

Finally, URSC notes that Paddy Jackson and Stuart Olding have apologised fulsomely for their behaviour which they have admitted was below acceptable standards. The URSC would like to thank the players for their on-field efforts for both Ulster and Ireland and wish them well in their rugby futures, wherever that may be.
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Post by keysersoze »

Well there we have it....a strongly worded letter should do the trick. Logan and IRFU must be pissing themsleves laughing. Hats off to URSC for trying but i'm sorry, only 42% thought this was a serious enough issue to bother even replying.
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Post by Russ »

Disappointing but expected

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Post by Jackie Brown »

We're too nice

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Post by Gary »

When I'm watching the games on tv next season, if I can be bothered, I will be amazed if the fans start singing "Stand Up for the Ulstermen". Would be rather hypocritical of them.
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Post by Liz Fraser »

I don't want to go back.
Not to make a point, not to send a message I just dont want to go.
This applies to the AVIVA.
Ulster and Irish rugby has been my life and my family has been entrenched in it.
However there has to be a connect between supporter and the club.
Our connection has been eroded and now severed by the powers that be.

Liverpool fc in 2016 had a price hike to 77 quid for tickets and 10000 supporters walked out on 77 minutes on a home game v Sunderland.
The opposition scored 2 late goals that cost Liverpool the game.
Klopp backed the fans action and the owners climbed down as he's a man who understands that on field success and support are interlinked.
Fans waved black flags at the start of the game chanted you greedy b@stards before walking out to you'll never walk alone which they normally only do at the start and end of games.
Note also that 10000 represents less than a quarter of Anfields regularly filled capacity.

So please I don't want to hear any nonsense about action won't make a difference.
What you can learn from the feminists is organised action and numbers gets things done no matter what the actual cause is.

We are nothing financially compared to Liverpool fc but what they possess is a connect between supporter and club going back to Shankly that we used to have.
They care about each other and that has got them through the toughest of times.
What is abundantly clear is that Ulster and Ireland do NOT care about Ulster fans feelings, only your money.
They have lost me and I'm not being taken for a mug any more.

So protest turn up, boycott whatever but Ulster Rugby will have to work hard to get me to ever set on that ground again.
A ground where I played in and stood on the terraces cheering on with and for my family and friends.
I am glad they have signed to a pay per view channel so I have every excuse not to watch them now.

Do what you have to do guys but I'm afraid I'm past caring.
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Post by TopPoster »

Feel for you Liz. Why should fans have to be in a position to considering staying away from the team and game they love. URSC gave too many options. Should have been a clear cut In or Out vote. After all PJ and SO didn’t get any middle ground options. Take inspiration from the Liverpool fans - go to the match and every match but between minute 10 and 12 a continuous chorus of Logan Out every single match until the pathetic excuse of a leader and CEO takes a hint. If PJ and SO can get hounded out of their homes and country by a disgruntled mob while he stood by a coward then that idiot can get hounded out of his job with an organised, coherent and considered effort.
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Post by Tender »

Predictable from URSC.
Paddy and Stu ARE ULSTERMEN. They grew up wanting to play for ULSTER and Ireland. They achieved their boyhood dreams and wanted to continue to play for their beloved ULSTER.
URSC members twisted and contorted themselves to give themselves every possible reason to feel good about themselves whilst attending the game. They can dress it up with as many options as they like, the simple truth is they're happy to turn up to Logan's Stadium and suck up his version of Ulster Rugby while two ULSTERMEN were sacked and driven out of their Club and Country.
In short the URSC will not STAND UP FOR THE ULSTERMEN. They are a bunch of cowards who hide behind whichever excuses they need to just so they can attend Logan's Ulster Games.
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